Digimon is owned by Fox Kids and Toei Animation. MST3K belongs to Best Brains Inc. Any random mention of songs, quotes, etc. are property of the money making machines that put them out. You probably shouldn’t sue me because all you’d be getting is one Rayearth manga, a Slayers Try video and some anime cards.

            This story does not belong to me, it is the property of the author. I don’t intend to insult or cut down the author (even though it might seem like I am.) If any of you readers know this person and know that he/she wants it taken down, feel free to e-mail me so I can take it down. I apologize in advance if this offends anyone. (wouldn’t I make a great corporate lawyer?)

            So basically, I don’t own squat, I’m a poor Chinese high school student, I’m sorry for offending anyone (even though you should get your ass outta here if you don’t like this kinda stuff), and I did this out of sheer boredom instead of doing a project assigned to us for the summer.

Warning: I’ve not seen a single episode of MST3K. So beware of inconsistencies galore! Okay, on with the MST!



“This is so cool!” exclaimed Lori. The two MSTers were on their way to Astroworld for one last fun summer activity. “Ah! Grace! Watch out for that run away bread truck!!!” Lori shrieked.

            “Ahhhh. What the hell was that?!” screamed Grace in reply.

            Lori read out loud, “Bob’s Bread Co. …serving MSTers for forty years….Oh My God! Get us out of here and quick!”

            And so, another excruciating day started again for our brave MSTers. Grace’s Honda Accord© began pushing 100 mph as they sped down I-10.  The bread truck was following closely. Suddenly, the all too familiar voice of the All Mighty Lord of Darkness boomed through a megaphone.


            Lori and Grace shuddered at the hideous cackling. But Grace wasn’t going to give up so easily.

            “Grace, I think don’t think we should be trying to go faster.” said a pale Lori.

            “He thinks he can intimidate us with a 3 ton bread truck. Ha. I’ll show him!” Grace sneered.

            “Noooooooooooo! Graaaaaaaace!” Lori’s scream echoed into the midday air as the car disappeared. A parting promise of pain echoed as well from the most hated one.


~A tortuous chamber of pain, aka The Menil Collection~


            A moan of pain resounded throughout the empty museum as Lori struggled to regain consciousness. Another moan of pain quickly followed as Lori smacked Grace on the arm.

            “Maybe you forgot that Bob is ‘all mighty’ and that he is the lord of darkness! Don’t you think all mightiness might give one a little ability to transport people?!” scolded Lori.

            “Sorry.” muttered Grace. “Wait, where are we? This isn’t MSTing HQ…”

            Lori began to look ill. “Damn you Bob. Why’d you bring us here?!” she yelled.



Both: We have fanfiction sign!




Door 1: It is a door made entirely out of the books on the history summer reading list. You feel the urge to kill Bob, TAMLOD, aka Mr.Smith, TOOG, but you realize he is all mighty and you settle for just burning the bloody door down.


Door 2: It is a door made of cheese. You crinkle your nose at it seeing as how you don’t really like cheese that much. As you stand there contemplating it, the entire cast of Ronin Warriors shows up plus two hyper girls that like cheese. You sweatdrop and move away very carefully.


Door 3: It is not a door. You sigh, obviously the Door-maker’s union decided on another strike. Instead it is a wall of those milk bottles that they have at fairs. You pay a dollar for three whiffle balls. You sweatdrop and try your luck anyway. After trying unsuccessfully at knocking down the bottles you get upset and kick the wall. You limp away to the next door, all the while thinking that you knew those games were fixed.


Door 4: It is a regular door. You’re amazed and you reach out to touch it. But at your touch, the door collapses to reveal an angry mob of the Door-maker’s union members. They scream at you and demand more money while waving their signs in your face. You run….


Door 5: It is an airplane door because the airplane people haven’t gone on strike yet. (well, the pilots have, but not the Boeing ppl) You look through the window on the door and see an ugly looking gremlin thing. You scream and point but whenever someone looks out the window, they don’t see anything. And so you are carted off to the crazy house.


Door 6: It is a wall of crayons. You squeal in delight and grab the pretty blue one at the base of the wall. the whole thing comes down and you quietly mourn the loss of the pretty blue one which is now lost under the sea of crayons. You step over the large pile and enter the theater.


Grace: Wow, another digimon one. I guess Bob, TAMLOD, aka Mr. Smith, TOOG found a new place of torture….


Lori: I can’t believe we have to sit through this crap again™


Ok, in case I haven't posted on this list for a long time,


Grace: …I’d just like to remind you that your attempts on my life didn’t work. So ha!


I've started on a Mini series that's related to Matt and TK with the other Digidestined and they're fighting a new Evil and that's a Vegeta clone and to summarise


Lori: …my plot and grammar suck, so I’m not starting the fic…

Grace: That Vegeta thing got you huh…


 the story, here it is.....


"Matt and TK were out


Grace: …on the town?

Lori: …of the closet?


 as they returned to the Real World, when they're returned,


Lori: …the original cast of the Real World will be released…


 they saw their parents murdered by The Evil Clone Vegeta and in anger, they tried to fight him but he was too powerful.....but luckilly, Tai found them, and with Tai, Kari and Joe, they go on a journey, with the thirst of revenge...."


Grace: Obey your thirst.

Lori: Is it in you?


Not only that, it also tells us something about Tai and Kari's family secrets, Izzy's relationship to Mimi making a love triangle between Izzy, Mimi and Matt and other stuffs......


Lori: Author-san’s bad grammar making Lori laugh and other stuffs….

Grace: Wait, wait, wait, so you’re saying that Izzy, Mimi, and Matt have a love triangle? And Tai and Kari have ‘family secrets’? Geez, this sounds worse than a plot of a telenovela!



so here it is:


Brothers:Digimon Mini Series:Part 1:Joe's recovery.......

By PikaFlash Ash/???


Grace: Damn, chalk on up for the horny Pokemon side…

Lori: Eww! How can Pikachu flash Ash anyway? He doesn’t wear any clothes!


Disclaimers:All characters, cast, scenes, stuff and music belong to their respective



*Note:This happened after my


Lori: …sanity left me….

Grace: …voices stopped talking to me….


 crossover fic where Tai and the others fought with the Pokemon



Grace: ::begins giggling insanely and pointing to the screen:: Oh my gosh! That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard!

Lori: ::is too busy rolling in the aisle to comment::


We see Joe's face with a weird look.....


Lori: Oh, so he saw the fic too….




Grace: Hey, how’d he get into the MST?

Lori: I see, author-san is writing this fic in script format.


Joe was being held down by TK and Kari


Lori: …because of his previous attempts to escape from this fic…


 as Tai was bandaging Joe's damaged arm after Pikachu's

Hyper Beam attack........


Grace: ….

Lori: Pikachu’s bad?! NO! I don’t believe you!


Kari:Hey, where's Matt?


Lori: I don’t know, why are you asking me?


In the rain, Matt was walking, thinking


Grace: …singing, dancing, ranting, pondering….

Lori: ::singing:: I’m singing in the rain…just singing in the rain!

Grace: ::wringing the water out of her hair:: Get that match away from the sprinkler, Lori!


 about Izzy's death, when he bumped into a Saiyan.....


Lori: Ye gads, I see where this is heading….



Saiyan:How dare you bumped into me without apologising!!!!


Grace: <as the Saiyan> How dare you insert me into your twisted fic!!!

Lori: <as Matt> How dare you use an over-emotional sentence in this fic!


As the Saiyan tried to punch Matt, he dodged and landed a punch on the Saiyan and stepped on

his head.......


Lori: ::seething:: Ok, I’m not a big DBZ fan myself, but I thought that Saiyans were much more powerful than any mere human! He doesn’t even have his Digimon with him!

Grace: I’m just wondering how Matt can punch the guy and then step on his own head.

Both: Ouch, that’s gotta smart!™


Matt:Don't ever try to get me angry.......


Grace: ..because I’ll punch you and then step on my own head….


At Mimi's place, where she works in an orphanage, she was greeted by the kids happily......


Kid1:It's Mimi!!! She came back!!!


Lori: ::looks around:: There’s only one kid here author-san…


Mimi:Yeah, it's good to see you again, as I was sick for the past few days......


Grace: Because the author keeps switching tenses, so for a while, I didn’t know what I was doing…


Then Matt enters the orphange......


Matt:Hi, Mimi....




Lori: <as Matt> No, I just look, sound, and act like Matt.

Grace: <as Mimi> Well, in that case, what are you doing here?


On the hill nearby......


Grace: Two MSTers are snoozing due to the slow fic…


Mimi:So, Matt, where's Izzy?


Lori: <as Mimi> Screw Izzy! How’d we get up onto the hill nearby?

Grace: Wow, Bob’s presence exudes to even the worst places…


Matt:Izzy.....he's dead...


Grace: How’d Izzy get to the nearby hill? And who died?

Lori: ::sweatdropping: Matt’s saying that Izzy’s dead.





Lori: Have you been making friends Grace?

Grace: ^__^v


Matt:Tai and I couldn't stop him from using to much energy that he died, overpowered,

overloaded and at his weakest.......


Lori: He what?

Grace: I think Matt’s stepping on his own head eliminated his ability to speak properly.


Mimi:.......Matt, it's been a long time since we've been together as a team with Tai and the



Grace: Lori, it’s been a long time since author-san has made sense…


Matt:Yeah, it's kinda weird that we were able to come to this world with our Digimons, Crests

and Digivices.......oh, and I expect that


Lori: …check to be in the mail for the shipping of the Digimon, Crests, and Digivices…but since the Digimon aren’t here, You don’t have to pay for the lost packages…


 Izzy want you to keep this......




Grace: Yeah, for once I have to agree, I didn’t get that at all.

Lori: Matt says that he thinks Izzy would want Mimi to have ‘this’.


Matt:I had this dream last night....




Lori: Oh that was really subtle…


Izzy:Matt, I want you to give this to Mimi(Tosses the Digivice and Crest to Matt)....


Matt:Nooo!!! Izzy, don't think like that....


Grace: …screaming one minute and talking calmly the next isn’t a good idea…

Lori: …going with you to the mother ship won’t fix everything…


Izzy:Give my Digivice and Crest to Mimi........please, to make me happy........


Lori: Please, to kill me…

Grace: What about Tentomon?




Grace: But, I’m still sad about your death…


*End Dream*


Mimi:.........Ok, if it's to make Izzy happy....


Lori: ..even though taking his stuff is *such* a chore!


Matt......I think I have a mission to do Mimi


Grace: …but I’m not sure, I’ll have to talk to my therapist…

Lori: Saving the whales?


.....if I survive, I'll tell you a secret...


Lori: dun dun dun!

Grace: Real cryptic. I’ll bet you that Matt likes Mimi and when he gets back, those two are gonna hook up.



off as it starts to rain)


Mimi was in the rain,


Grace: Yes, logic would show that….


 in tears like the rain


Lori: ::watches logic jump up and run out of the fic::

Grace: Woosh!


........while someone was watching her.......


Grace: While author-san was trying to clean up the fic by getting rid of all those dots on the floor.




Lori: Lori……

Grace: Grace……


Grace: Psst, Lori, I think those two dashes mean we can leave. Lori?


            Grace got up and exited the theater looking for her friend. She didn’t have to look for long because right outside the exit was Lori. She was trying to kick the glass to get out. Alarms started to ring and then the hated voice came...



~Ultra Twister~


            “Yooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu roooooooooooooooooooock Looooooooooooooriiiiiiiii!!!!!!”



E-mail me at earthianchinx@yahoo.com


I’d guess I’d be pretty hypocritical to not ask for flames. But if you feel you must, then I’ll respect your choice. But first, let me tell you the story of the Chinese Mafia...