Digimon is owned by Fox Kids and Toei Animation. MST3K belongs to Best Brains Inc. Any random mention of songs, quotes, etc. are property of the money making machines that put them out. You probably shouldn’t sue me because all you’d be getting is one Rayearth manga, a Slayers Try video and some anime cards.

            This story does not belong to me, it is the property of the author. I don’t intend to insult or cut down the author (even though it might seem like I am.) If any of you readers know this person and know that he/she wants it taken down, feel free to e-mail me. I apologize in advance if this offends anyone. (Wouldn’t I make a great corporate lawyer?)

            So basically, I don’t own squat, I’m a poor Chinese high school student, I’m sorry for offending anyone (even though you should get your ass outta here if you don’t like this kinda stuff), and I did this out of sheer boredom instead of doing a project assigned to us for the summer.

Warning: I’ve not seen a single episode of MST3K. So beware of inconsistencies galore! Okay, on with the MST!



Lori sat contently in her seat singing quietly to Koji Wada’s Butterfly. She was on a plane headed to a “fun-filled” week in Seattle and later in Vancouver. Lori really didn’t expect to have fun on the trip, but it was a good chance to get away from school and Bob, TAMLOD, aka Mr. Smith, TOOG.

            “Nani wa wowowowowo….dakedo wowowowowo…” Lori tried to sing in tune. Suddenly a voice interrupted Lori’s beloved song.


“What the….nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!” Lori wailed, to the aggravation of her fellow passengers. “Why?” she sobbed, “Why are you here Bob?”


Lori took a deep breath. “Because this,” she said with deadly calm, “is a CD player. CD players don’t get special messages that interrupt their songs.”


Lori paled. “What? Am I supposed to MST alone? Where’s Grace?!”

“Thanks for sparing me the pain Lori.” a voice said.

“Grace! Ahahaha, how nice to see you!” Lori laughed nervously.

Grace sighed. “Come on, we’re MSTing in first class.”

Immediately Lori’s eyes had stars in them. “First class?! Cool! Wow, I’ve never flown in first class before! This is so-“

Grace’s hand cut off Lori’s babbling. “Did you not hear the MSTing part?” she growled.

 “Geez Grace, someone got up in the wrong side of the plane this morning!” Lori joked.

“Well, you’d be grumpy too if you were about to kiss…. aaaaaand make up with your parents after a fight only to be taken away for a MSTing.” Grace said with a blush. “Let’s get going to that MST shall we? Ehehehe….”

Lori’s eyes watered. “Grace!” She whined, “You were getting your mack on with Ryo and you didn’t even bother to call?! How could you?!”

The two girls made their way to a very empty first class area. They sat down and a screen was lowered.

“Stewardess! A martini please!” Lori said.

“Ignore her, she’s too young to drink.” Grace said, embarrassed.

“Ha! That’s what you think! I know what kind of fic we’re up against today! When we’re done with it, you’re gonna want a drink…” Lori muttered.

“How you find these things out, I don’t wanna know.”


Both: We have Fanfiction sign!

Lori: I can’t believe we have to sit through this crap.™


This Changes Everything


Grace: Wow, that must be a very powerful ‘this’.

Lori:<as author-san> So I’ll end the fic right now.


By Archangel Bloodraven.


Lori: O.o Woah, what a name….


AN: After "Who Will Pray For Me?"


Grace: Huh, I didn’t read that one….

Lori: Oh, it was basically about Kari’s dying and TK committing suicide.

Grace: Oh, ok.


,  I had to do something happy so here's my

latest work. This takes place ten years after the 'destined


Lori: Can author-san do that?

Grace: I thought this was a Digimon fic. You know, with the DIGIdestined….


 have returned to

the real world.


Grace: Look Lori! The ‘destined got a spot on MTV.

Lori: I can see it now… Next on the Digimon Real World….


Kari slumped dejectedly onto the park bench


Grace: Ouch, that’s gotta smart!™


 shivering in the cool night air.


"Bad date?" A familiar voice asked draping a jacket over her slender bare



Lori: Kami-sama! This is another one! Damn you Bob!

Grace: ::shakes her head:: You mean a Paired Digidestined Fic©?


"Thanks TK." She said as he sat beside her. "The captain of the football team

took me up to Lookout Point."


Grace: Wait, so you mean, TK found Kari out of the blue like that?

Lori: Well, if it works for the story, it works for the story….


"You mean Make Out Point."


Lori: <as Kari> No, I mean Lookout point. Weren’t you listening?


 He snorted.


Grace: Oh my god! TK’s a druggie!

Lori: He can do anything he wants as long as it’s not Kari….

Grace: You have a dirty mind.

Lori: Yeah, well…


"Yeah, well, he got insulted when I wouldn't play


Lori: Checkers?

Grace: Tonsil hockey?

Lori: Wow, what a great pun!


 along. He left me up there

and I had to walk back.


"You need a different kind of man." TK said bluntly.


Grace: Of course TK would know….


"What kind of man?" She asked.


Lori: Here it comes…


"If you need someone who will promise you blue skies

If you think old-fashioned love's out of style

You've probably got the wrong guy

But if you need someone to walk through fire for you..."


Grace:…go somewhere else because he ain’t coming….


"Yes. Go ahead." Kari urged sincerely interested.


Lori: Geez, the sap level is rising….


"I'm just the man to do it, don't think I won't"

He admonished as she chuckled.

"I mean what I say and I say what I feel

I'll love you till my name is carved in stone


Grace: ::carves TK’s name in stone:: There! All done… <<THE END>>

Lori: Don’t worry, songfics are always short….

Grace: Except for the Britney Spears’ ones…


Baby don't think I won't, 'cause I will"


Kari looked at her old friend, really seeing him for the first time. At



Lori: Look Grace! They’re not kids! Woo hoo! So if they kiss, it’ll be alright…right? Grace?

Grace: ::is too busy trying to find Mallet-sama to answer::


 he was ruggedly handsome with broad shoulders and brown eyes that

always looked like he'd just heard a joke,


Grace: Wow, those must be some eyes….


but his spirit was as kind and

selfless as it had been in the digiworld.


Lori: Kind and selfless my arse! This was that boy that left his digimon at that amusement park and cried everyday because he thought everybody left ‘him’!


 He'd had his pick of women ranging

from the popular to the quiet, but he'd turned them all down, as though he was

waiting for someone special. And now Kari thought she knew who.


Lori: It’s that girl! That one right there! Right in the middle of popular and quiet!


He continued,


Grace: ::bangs her head on the tray::


"Your heart's been left to hurt by lovers runnin' scared


Lori: Really? I thought the football guy left her because she wouldn’t make out with him…


But whenever you reach out for me, I'm gonna be there

And if you need someone who will spend his life lovin' you..."


He paused to brush a stray lock of hair out of her eyes.


"I'm just the man to do it, don't think I won't


Grace: …kill all of those murderous thieves!

Lori: …go to the mother ship and nuke all of those alien bastards!


I mean what I say and I say what I feel


Lori: Whereas I don’t really care…


I'll love you till my name is carved in stone

Baby don't think I won't, 'cause I will"


Grace: I think we get the picture…

Lori: Gag me!

Grace: ‘kay.

Lori: ::heard in the background:: No wait Grace! I was just kidding… really! Help! Stewardess!


"Takeru, would you like to be my date for the Midnight Madness Masquerade Ball

at school this Friday?"


Grace: Argh! The author was doing okay in the consistency department so far! Argh!

Lori: Next time on Jerry Springer: Lovers that call out other lovers’ names….


"Nothing would please me more." He said as she lay her head in his lap.


Lori: Damn, chalk one up for the Japanese horny girls.

Grace: I almost feel sorry for TK. I mean, here he is singing his love for her and she’s all over some ‘Takeru’ guy!




Grace: Ooh..it’s purdy.

Lori: Hey, if you squint you can make out a sleeping face!


"Good for you TK


Lori: …dump that slut…


." Sora whispered as she dialed her cell phone. "Hey Tai, it's

me. I found Kari."


Grace: …putting her head in some guy’s lap….


"Is she okay?" He asked anxiously from the the other end of the line.


Lori: <as Sora> Never been better…. Ew! Well, at least they’re legal…

Grace: You are truly sick.

Lori: Well, at least you’re not snapping at me…


Sora looked at the young couple on the bench. "She couldn't be in better



Grace: Have you been making friends?

Lori: ::blinks innocently::


 The older girl said melting back into the shadows.


Lori: Wow, didn’t know Sora could do that…



Grace: The scene change line is so little….


That's it for now.


Lori: God no. There’s more?!


 "Don't Think I Won't" By Mark Wills is from his Wish You

Were Here album. And of course, I don't own Digimon.


Grace: Lies! All lies!

Lori: Mwa ha ha ha! Of course you don’t, minion! I own Digimon! Mwa ha ha ha!

Grace: ::claps in admiration:: Great impression of Bob, Lori! But do it again and I’ll kill you.


Archangel Bloodraven, Lord of Bloodraven Keep


Lori: Are you willing to sign that in blood?


AIM: DarkArchangelXXI

Yahoo! Messenger: Archangel_xxi

ICQ #: 75950057


Grace: Why is she giving away all her info?

Lori: The better to flame her with my dear.




Lori: http://quoth.the/raven/nevermore.html






Grace: ::whining:: When’s this fic gonna end?!


* Shameless Plug*


Lori: Really, we hadn’t noticed!


Digimon Hentai writers!


Grace: ::pales and hides behind Lori::

Lori: Hey! Don’t hide behind me! ::to author-san:: You’ll never take Grace alive!


Have you been shunned from other lists?


Lori: Nope, you?


Can't find one that caters to your unique tastes?


Grace: I’m sure you’ll point us in the right direction…


Then come join my club, Digimonlemons.


Both: HELL NO!




Lori: Be afraid, be very afraid…


            The two girls get up from their seats.

            “I guess I’ll be seeing you then.” said Lori with a trace of sadness.

            “Yeah, I’ll take notes for you.” replied Grace as she was transported back to the ground.

            “Oh well, back to coach...” Lori sighed.



E-mail me at earthianchinx@yahoo.com


I’d guess I’d be pretty hypocritical to not ask for flames. But if you feel you must, then I’ll respect your choice. But first, let me tell you the story of the Chinese Mafia...