Sailor Moon is copyright Naoko Takeuchi and all other
companies. MST3K belongs to Best Brains Inc. Any random mention of songs,
quotes, etc. are property of the money making machines that put them out. You
probably shouldn’t sue me because all you’d be getting is one Rayearth manga, a
Slayers Try video and some anime cards.
This story does not belong to me, it is the property of
the author. I don’t intend to insult or cut down the author (even though it might
seem like I am.) If any of you readers know this person and know that he/she
wants it taken down, feel free to e-mail me. I apologize in advance if this
offends anyone. (wouldn’t I make a great corporate lawyer?)
So basically, I don’t own squat, I’m a poor Chinese high
school student, I’m sorry for offending anyone (even though you should get your
ass outta here if you don’t like this kinda stuff), and I did this out of sheer
boredom instead of doing a project assigned to us for the summer.
Warning: I’ve not seen a
single episode of MST3K. So beware of inconsistencies galore! Okay, on with the
and Grace sit in a theater watching Cruel Intentions in a dollar theater at
“Man, this is the last time I let you pick a movie…”
muttered Lori.
“Hey, did you have anywhere else to be? Besides, maybe
this way Bob, the All Mighty Lord of Darkness (TAMLOD), won’t be able to find
us, I mean, even though he’s TAMLOD, he’s still a guy. No guy will brave the
onslaught of a chick flick, right?
“Yeah, right….HEY YOU TWO GET A ROOM!” yelled Lori. “Geez
this is a theater, not a porn studio!”
Grace just sat there sweatdropping.
Suddenly, the movie disappeared and was replaced by the
hideous face of Bob, TAMLOD, who bears a strange resemblance to Mr. Smith ,
TOOG (the overlord of geography).
“Ha! You think that’s bad? You won’t break us like that!”
Lori yelled to the screen.
The “intimate” couple in
the front decided to take Lori’s earlier advice and quickly exited the theater.
“Lori, I don’t think it’s a good idea to be snotty to
TAMLOD, I mean, he IS all mighty…”
“I don’t give a rat’s a$$, Grace, I’m tired…so very
tired. But I’m not going to break!”
“That’s the spirit! Just don’t provoke him, he may give
us a really bad fic like “Trapped” where Usagi and Shingo get it on..” Grace
said as she involuntarily shuddered.
The awful (“HEY I HEARD THAT!”) sight of Bob, TAMLOD,
disappeared and Lori and Grace were beamed to Fan Fiction MSTing HQ.
BOTH: We have
<<Another Sailor Moon Sappy fan fiction>> sign!
Door 1: is a screen
door that you don’t see and run into.
Door 2: is a fake door
with a key to the REAL door hidden inside(they’ll never find the key in there).
Door 3: is a mattress
hinged to a wall.
Door 4: is made
entirely of Britney Spears CD’s. You back away slowly.
Door 5: is a plastic
curtain filled with blue water. You see fish swimming around in the water and
Door 6: is made of
bead curtains with fog coming from the ground. You enter.
Lori: I can’t believe we
have to sit through this crap again.
Grace: Lori, you say
that at the beginning of every fic we MST. You’d think you’d get used to it by
now…besides, this is only the first in the series…
Lori: Don’t remind me…
Chotto minna chan!
Remember me? Okay, okay, I know that I haven't wrote in
awhile, gomen! And I
*know* about RFTS,
Lori: Riffs for the
Grace: Rave for the
Lori: Run for the
but basketball season just
and when that happens,
cheerleading gets harder.
Lori: …because now we
have both the football players and the basketball players hitting on us…
And on top of that I have
Grace: Will that be a
new sport for the Olympics?
Lori: I can see it now… Gymanstics: the incredible
game of throwing men across gyms with sticks in their mouths. A sport that
requires strength, agility, aim, and a lot of mats at the end of the gym!
and then our stupid
softball coach is having a pitchers/catchers
practice (i'm varsity
catcher) so that takes up another afternoon *growles*.
Oh well, I at least
managed to get another short story out! *cheers*
Grace: You’re the only
one cheering buddy.
So anyways, about this
stroy. I was in car, listening to the radio when one
of my fav. songs by
Usher came on. I can't remember the title for the life
of me right now, but it
"Leave the one I
with, start a new relationship,
Chose. Think about a
ring and all the things that come along,
Ways you make, make
Lori: …wanna puke…
Grace: …run away in
Standard Disclaimers
apply: I don't own Sailor Moon and you all know that!
I'm poor and stupid and
have a hard enough time coming up wiht a decent
Lori: …and decent
Like I could have really
have thought of SM! Anyways, thanks go
to many many peeps,
Brianna, Alex, Mako, Angeline, Sailor Star, and everyone
Lori: Wow! She’s
thanking everyone! Take a bow Grace!
Grace: Okay! ::bows::
And for this story, the
Scouts are 16 and
sophomores in high
school and Darien and Andrew are 18 and freshmen at Tokyo
I love e-mail, don't
forget that! *hehe* E-mail is:
Lori: I thought there
was no water on the moon…
Grace: They thought they
found some one time….
Lori: So essentially,
this e-mail addy is messed up…
Grace: Seems that way..
Lori: Good, just
Now on with our feature
“But I’ve fallen for
Lori: and watch for the sequel
“And I Can’t Get Up!”
Grace: Coming to a
website near you!
BY: Alexis-chan
Lori: Don’t you think
that repeating the e-mail address is a little repetitive?
Grace: No, repeating an
e-mail address over again, when saying the same thing , is only as repetitive
as writing the e-mail address again.
Serena was walking down
the street, the wind blowing her hair around her
Grace: (imitating
Serena) Help! I can’t see! My hair is around my face!
She finally reached the
arcade and walked in. She glanced around the room
and quickly spoted who
she was looking for.
Lori: I didn’t realize
you could glance and “spote” at the same time…
Grace: Kids, don’t try
this at home..
“Hey!” She cried out and
ran for a nearby booth where Lita, Amy, Mina and
Raye were all
sitting and talking.
Lita and Mina were filling Raye in on the latest gossip
at their school
(Amy, Serena, Mina and
Lita all attended Juuban High, and Raye attended a
private school). Amy was
busilly going over her chemstry book.
Grace:…with a steam
Lori: Wow, you really
hate chemistry don’t you…
“Hey Serena!” Lita
called and Mina waved. Amy glanced up and smiled and went
back tostuding.
Lori:…her “chemstry”
book around with a bat…
Grace: I think I’m gonna
start “tostuding” cookies if you don’t stop with the bad jokes.
‘How can that girl study
all the time!’ Serena thought in discust.
“Hey Meatball Head, have
detention again today?” Raye smarted off.
“No! For your
information, Pyro, I had tutoring.” Serena stuck her tounge
and Raye followed in
“Hey girls. What can I
get you all today?” A cheerful voice said from behind
Serena. They all turned
to look and saw Andrew standing there.
“Hiya Andew!” They all
“I’ll take a
cheeseburger, large fries and large Pepsi.” Lita said.
Lori: (imitating Andrew)
I’m sorry, incase you haven’t noticed, we’re in Japan. This isn’t McDonalds!
Grace: (imitating Lita)
Pipe down arcade boy! The author is using our dubbed NA names so we can order
North American food!
Lori: (imitating Andrew)
Okay, whatever you sat Makoto-chan…
Grace: Consistancy is
very important.
Lori: When will the
world learn?
Grace: I don’t know
Lori, I just don’t know…
“Me too.” Mina piped
up.“And me.” Raye added.
“That’s suitable for me
as well.” Amy agreed.
“And me!” Serena
chirped. “And a hotfudge sundea with that too.” She added.
Andrew chuckled and
turned to get there orders. There was a sudden gingle of
the bell as someone came
in.“Hey Andy.” The voice said.
“Hiya Dare. Want
anything?”“Just a coke.”“Kay.”
Raye had managed to
slide herself out of the booth and started over to where
Darien was standing.“Hi
Darien!” She hugged him and he returned the guesture.
“Hey Darien!” Serena
waved and the others waved as well.
“Hey. Hi Raye.” Serena
beamed with pride. Her second match-making sceme that
actually worked! Her
first one, Molly and Melvin, was going okay, but Raye and
Darien? Her best
yet! Ever since two
months ago when Andrew introduced Serena and Raye to Darien,
Raye immedianly fell in
love with him. But she was too shy (*AN: Raye, shy??
Yeah right!*) to say
anything. Since Serena and Darien were friends (*AN:
Surprise, surprise*),
Lori: My god Scottie!
We’re in a parallel universe! Where Serena and Darien are friends, Raye’s shy,
and even though they’re in Japan, they have English names!
Grace: (old Chinese
lady) How conveeeeeeeenient.
Serena worked on setting
them up. Now they had been offically a couple for
more than 3weeks.
“So, what are you all
doing?” Darien asked as he carefully dropped his arm
around Raye’s shoulder.
Grace: (imitating
Darien) Whew, thanks for holding my arm for a second. Amputated limbs can be
such a hassle.
Lori: (imitating Raye)
Um, Darien, I don’t think I’m ready for that kind of relationship yet. Taking
care of your arm is just too big of a commitment I’m willing to make…
“After a quick bite to
eat, were heading over to the temple for a study
session.” Raye told him.
“I guess then Serena’s
not eating. It wouldn’t be quick if she was eating.”
Darien joked.Serena
turned and glared at him.
“Oh shut up Darien
Chiba. Your one
Lori:…big break in life
and you turn it away…DAMN YOU!
to talk.” Serena slid
into the booth next
to Lita and Mina.
Darien laughed and said
good-bye as Andrew brought out the girls food and
Darien’s coke
Grace: So he left
without his coke? What a waste of money!
Lori: Yeah, and making
poor Andrew work to get it!
(*AN: For someone
totally cute, he can sure be stupid! Ordering
Coke? What would
Mako-Chan say about
that?? Oh wait! I’m writing this story.....oops =Þ*).
Grace:..I did it again…
Lori:…I just realized
how many grammatical errors I made and I have to end the fic <<THE
Grace: You’re hurting
aren’t you?
Lori: Yes, yes I am…
“Oh yeah, were having a
beach party tomorrow. You guys are invited and
Andrew, you can bring
Rita and Lizzie to the party too.” Lita told them. Darien
Grace: I thought Darien
Lori: <old Chinese
lady> How conveeeeeeeenient!
looked over at Andrew
who suddenly became very upset looking.
“What’s wrong?” Serena
“Rita called two days
ago from Africa
Lori: ….she caught the
Ebola virus and we decided that it would put a strain on our relationship..
and we broke up.” Andrew
“I’m sorry Andy.” Mina
said quietly, but was secretly was happy. Maybe now
Grace: …the green,
flying monkeys would leave her alone and…
she would have a chance
with Andrew. Soon silence setted in and the girls
finished their meals in
the quiet.
Lori: Look! It’s a
Can-can flea line!
|Next day at the beach|
Grace: Do you think the
readers know it’s a scene change?
Lori: No, scene changes
are never this subtle…
Six girls were crouded
around each other, giggling and talking about
anything and everything.
A little ways away from them were five other guys.
“How can they talk so
much?” Ken asked in wonder. He brushed his dark brown hair
away from his chocolate
eyes, glancing every now and then at Lita.
“I have no clue, but at
least Raye’s not screaming at me.” Chad joked,
looking longingly
at the fiery tempered
preiestess. He felt a pang of jelousy against Darien,
but shook it off.
Lori: (imitating Chad)
Damn you pang! Why won’t you just get off my leg!
Grace: ::singing:: Shake
shake shake….shake your “jelousy”…
“Well, I don’t know
about you all, but I’m ready to go hit the surf.” Darien
Grace: Hey what did the
surf ever do to you?
Lori: Does social
services know about this? We’ll get it a new home, abuse free.
said as he stood up and
walked towards the girls.
The first thing he took
notice of was Amy, who was sitting at the edge of
the blanket,
reading. She was wearing
a pale blue bikini, in fact all of them were. On
Amy’s she had white
stripes going down the top and bottom.
Lizzie, Andrew’s little
sister who was a year younger than the other girls,
was wearing a
tankini, bright green
with yellow squiggly marks all over it. Lita was
wearing a small green
bikini with darker green
prints all over it which were impossible to tell
what they were exactly.
Mina’s bathing suit was
orange with little yellow stars scattered across it.
Raye was wearing a
bright plain red bikini with a thin red skirt around the
bottom. Serena was also
wearing a tankini, only
her’s was a light pink with small bunny on the top.
Lori: I though all of
them were wearing a pale blue bikini.
Grace: Consistency
people! Consistency!
Darien thought to
himself how nice Raye looked, but found his eye’s
lingering on Serena’s
trim figure, her smooth stomach and long legs.
Grace: So does this mean
that Raye has a lumpy stomach and short legs?
Lori: Actually, come to
think of it, don’t they all look alike? I mean girl anatomy-wise.
Grace: Parallel
universe, Lori. Parallel universe…
Lori: <old Chinese
lady> How conveeeeeenient!
‘What are you thinking
Dare! Raye’s your girlfriend, not Meatball Head.’ He
scolded himself. He
looked over at Andrew, who’s eyes seemed to be stuck on
Mina. Greg had sat
down quietly next to
Amy, and looked her over real quickly, but turned away
before she
could notice. Ken had
plopped down next to Lita and casually slung his arm
over her shoulder. That
had to be the advantage to having a girl as your best
friend.Chad was taking
odvious pains *not* to look at Raye,
Lori: It “odviously”
sounds painful.
Grace: Do you think it’s
“odvious” enough?
afraid of what
Darien might do if he
caught him looking at
his girlfriend. But Darien was too busy looking at
Serena, who was involved
in a conversation with the other girls.
“So, ready to hit the
water ladies?” Chad asked suddenly. Lita, Mina, Raye
and Serena jumped up
right then.
Lori:…and started
chanting up, up and away..
Grace: ..and away they
Lizzie leaned over to
say something to Amy, and
she nodded,
looking at Darien, Chad
and Andrew, before turning back to Lizzie and
smiling slightly.
Lizzie jumped up and ran
over to Lita and whispered whatever they were
talking in her ear.
Lita’s face lit up and she giggled.
“What’s so funny Lita?”
Mina ask.
“I’ll tell ya later.”
Lizzie spoke up before grabbing Mina and Lita’s hands
and taking off
towards the water.
Serena was right behind them. The guys stood there and
looked at each other
then took off, the Mach 5..
Lori: ::singing:: Go
speed racer, go speed racer, go!
with the exception of
“Hey, um......Darien?
Could I talk to you for a minute?” Raye asked quietly.
“Sure.”“Is there
something wrong? Do you not like me anymore?” Raye blurted
out. Darien was taken
Lori: …to the mother
Grace: …where he was
subjected to reading this fic….
Lori: (imitating Darien)
No! Couldn’t I have the anal probe instead? Please!
Grace: (imitating Alien)
No, there are worse thing than anal probes… much worse…
Lori: Like this fic….
but gathered himself up
again.“No, why do you ask?”
nothing. I was just bring stupid I guess.” Raye smiled up
at him then
grabbed his hand, “Come
on, let’s go!” She took off before Darien could say
anything else.
All day long the six
girls and five guys had a blast goofing around in the
water. Well,almost all
of them. Andrew had pretty well forgotten about Rita it
seems, as he was
constantly around Mina,
flirting and goofing around with her. And by the way
that Mina’s friends were
looking at them
Grace: …they could tell
the Ebola virus was nothing to worry about…
Lori: …they knew
something bad was going to happen to them if they didn’t get together soon…
with knowing smiles, and
Serena was
grinning wickedly. But
Darien, who should have
been havign a fun time with ‘his’ girlfriend, was
too busy mooning
Lori: ..the young
children that were running around…
Grace: Eew…
over a girl that wasn’t
even his.
All day long Darien
watched Serena as much as he could without Raye noticing. He
watched as she, Lita and
Mina ganged up on Amy and dunked her in the water.
All he could see was
Serena’a bright smile that seemed to make the sun seem dim,
her laughter with was
more beautiful that the pretty bird’s song, and her eye’s
who’s blue seemed to
match the clear,
cloudless sky. It wasn’t before long that he realized he
was falling for Serena.
Lori: (imitating Bruce
Willis) You know the world is ending when the stars get in a line like that…
Soon, the sun was
beginnning to set. The guys set off to find some wood for
the bonfire and they
left the girls to set up the food.
“So Andy, we noticed
that your over Rita? That didn’t take long.” Ken said
slyly.“What are you
talking about?” Andrew asked innocenly, but failed
miserably as a blush
crept on his cheeks.
“I mean that you were
all over Mina. You like her don’tcha?” Ken proded and
Andrew’s face turned
blood red.
“Well, I mean she’s a
cute kid and everything, but I mean I don’t really
like her that much
or anything. She’s
really pretty and nice and funny and everything but I’m
not really sure
that I should ask her
out this soon when I just broke up with Rita and
babbled on and on before Greg cut him off.
“Hey dude, who said
anything about asking her out? We just wanted to know if
you liked her or not.”
Greg said as all the guys broke out in fits of laughter.
Grace: (imitating Greg)
Yeah, dude, but, dude, I totally think
you should go for her.
Lori: (imitating Andrew)
Dudesy! But I don’t know if it’ll be a total wipe out. That would suck dude.
Grace: Wow, they sure
must get a lot of Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventures in Japan.
Lori: Yeah, they’re
“Yeah, well, what about
you and Amy?” Andrew asked.
“Well, were just
friends, but yes I like her.” Greg admittted as Andrew
playfuly shoved him.
“Well, what about you
and Raye, Dare?” Ken asked Darien, and he looked
around at the guys.“What
about us?”
“Are you still an item
or what? You didn’t seem to be too interested in her
today. If I
didn’t know any better,
I would have thought you were hung over Serena the
way you were staring at
‘Uh oh. Caught red
handed.’ Was the only thought running through the guys minds.
Andrew, Ken, Greg all
wore smug smiles on thier face and Chad looked at
Darien in hope.
“Well, I like Raye and
all, but I’m not sure about our relationship. It’s
going okay.” Darien said
uncomfortably before changing the subject. “We ready?”
They guys nodded and
headed back to the camping area with their firewood. As
they drew closer to wear
the girls were, they heard some of their talking.
“......and then she
started hanging on his arm like she does with every
other guy. He
looked down at her and
slid her off of his arm and said ‘Listen Lacey, you a
cute kid and
all, but I’m not one of
those guys who likes a slut constantly attached to
them.’ and walked off!”
Lita giggled.
“Oh it was classic!
Lacey, miss thinks she's all that, finally shot down.
The entire school was
laughing about it all
day long!” Serena finished up as the other started
laughing.“Here’s the
wood.” The guys dropped the wood near the pile of rocks
that Serena and
Lizzie set up, rolling
their eyes. They begun to pile on the wood and soon
they had a bonfire
“I think we need a
little more dried leaves.” Amy stated. Raye jumped up to
go and get some, and
Chad followed in the suit.
Lori: Damn, and I
thought Swedish people were horny…
Grace: I refuse to
believe that Raye was so eager to get some with Chad….
Raye looked over at
singling him to follow
“Just let me slip on my
shoes.” Darien said as Raye and Chad started walkign
off by himself.About
five minutes later Darien reached the spot where he heard
talking, or at least he
had. He walked around
and tree, and was slghtly shocked by what he saw.
Raye and Chad were
standing close to each other in a pile of dried leaves.
Whatever you called it, they were doing it
Lori: Playing tonsil
Grace: Sucking face?
Lori: Swapping spit?
Grace: Communicating da
love through da lips?
(*AN: NOT in a
bad way youall!!!! just
liek my examples!!!!!!!! hehe). Surprisingly enought,
Darien didn’t really seem
that fazed. He just
turned and walked back towards the camp.
By the time he had
reached the fire, Raye came walking down there, with Chad
close behind her looking
upset, but not as bad as Raye was. She dropped her
leaves then asked Darien
to come with her.
“Darien, listen I have
something to confess to you. I’m really ashamed that
I did it and I
promise never to do it
again, but when me and..........” She didn’t get no
further.“Don’t worry
Raye, it’s alright. I saw you and Chad kissing. I know.”
Raye’s eyes nearly
jumped out of her head,
Lori: …because there was
just nothing to keep them company..
Grace:.. because it was
getting too hot to handle in there with Raye thinking and all…
and for the first time
since Darien had known her,
she blushed.
Grace: Wait, I thought
she was shy!
Lori: Argh!….::begins to
get red::
Grace: It’s all right!
The world will learn!!!
Lori: ::whimpering:: It
just hurts….
Grace: I know….
“Well, I’ve been
thinking about us, you know, and I don’t think it’s gonna
work. Were too different
and I know that you don’t like me, as much as you like
some one else.” She
stated slyly.
Now it was Darien’s turn
to tunr crimsom. “Well, I uh, sort-of, think you
right too Raye.
Lori: Geez, no
wonder the author is using the North American
names! It’s a horrible dubbed version of the story! Now I get it!
Grace: Lori, you can’t
make excuses for the author….
It would never really
work between us. And I think that there’s someone else
that you like more.”
“Well, me and Chad are
just friends, even though I know that he would like
it to be more.But I’m
not sure. Are we still friends?” She asked hopefully.
“Friends.” Darien agreed
and they shook on it. Raye stood up to make her way
back to the camp, but
Darien just sat there on the cliff over looking the
water’s edge. The sun
just setting and the
mixture of orange, blue, purple and pink on the horizon was
Back at the camp,
everyone looked up to see where Darien was, but Raye
didn’t say nothing.
Instead she walked over to Serena, leaned over and and
whispered somethign to
“Serena. Darien’s over
there on the cliff.
Grace: …contemplating
He seems lonly and your the
perfect person to
cheer someone up.”
Lori: (imitating Smokey
the Bear) Only you can prevent suicides.
Serena was about to
protest when the look on Raye’s face
caused her to change her
mind. As Serena got up to leave, Raye walking over and
sat closely down next to
“Darien? Darien? Are you
okay?” Serena asked as she gently sat down next to
Darien.“Yeah, Meatball
Head, I’m gonna be fine. It wasn’t that bad really, Raye
liked Chad, and he liked
“So your okay about this
whole break-up?” Serena questioned.
“Actually yeah. I was
actually gonna end it because I had begun to fall in
love with someone else.”
“WHAT?? You liked
someone else but you never told Raye? You just kept
stringing her along?”
Serena yelled at Darien anger filling her.
Lori: …to the brim when
her small brain couldn’t take it anymore and her head exploded…
Grace: (imitating
Lori: (imitating Ginger)
Grace: (imitating Rocky)
“No! Calm down Meatball
Head! I just fell in love with them today,
Grace: You mean there’s
more than one?
Lori: Darien, you dog,
Grace: ::mutters:: More
like pimp….
or at
least that’s when I
realized it.” Serena calmed down and sat back down.
Grace: When did she get
Lori: Maybe when her head
was exploding…
“Oh? Who is it? Mina?
Maybe Lizzie?” Serena pried for information.
Lori:…but the crowbar
just wasn’t enough…
‘You are so niave
Serena. Who do you think I love?’ Darien thought to himself.
‘Oh, if there’s any
chance for miricals, please let him say that it’s me.’
Serena quietly wished,
and it seemed to be her night for miricals.
Grace: ::singing:: There
can be “miricals” if you believe….
Lori: Do you think
they’ve said “miricals” enough?
Grace: Nah…
Darien reached a hand
behind her head and another around her waist and
pulled her closer
so that their noses were
touching each other.
Lori: Ahh, the ancient
ritual of Eskimo kissing.
Grace: Lip-locking.
Lori: Tonsil hockey.
Grace: Sucking face.
Lori: Swapping spit.
Grace: I think that’s
Serena loved the feel of
strong arms
around her and being so
close to him. His breath tickled her neck and teased
her lips.Darien was
enjoying the feeling of her slim body within his arms. He
felt her slinder arms around
his neck and he breathed in her heavenly sent.
“Serena Usagi Tsukino,
it’s you I’ve fallen in love with.” Was all Darien
said before he leaned
over and their lips touched.
They kissed for a
moment, until they begin to run out of breath.
Grace: Talk about your
low lung capacity…
Lori: They were only
kissing for a moment! How could they run out of breath?
Grace: It says until. If
they only kissed for a moment, how could it be until?
Lori: ::with face
turning red:: Argh! All we ask is for a teensy bit of consistency!! But
nooooooooo, I guess it’s just too much to ask!
Grace: Let’s just think
of it as… time slowing down because they’re in love…
Lori: ::returns to her
normal color:: Thanks Grace.
When they
broke, they
looked deep into each
other’s eyes, getting lost. Soon, Serena noticed it
was pitch-black.
Lori: ….when she could
no longer see Darien’s face..
Grace: ..because, you
see, our eyes see light reflected off object and pitch black implies no light,
therefore, Serena’s an idiot for not noticing sooner than she was effectively
Lori: Thank you Dr.
Liu….I agree with you about the Serena is stupid part….
“We better be getting
back. The other’s are gonna be wondering where we
are.” She whispered.
“Let them wonder.” Darien
replied as he pulled Serena sideways in his lap
and kissed her forhead,
then both of her cheeks and the tip of her nose before
catching her lips on his
own again. Serena
wrapped her arms around his neck and played with his dark
raven black hair.
Lori: Oh god, I think
I’m gonna be sick!
Grace: ::closes her eyes
in nausea:: Tell me Lori, are all Sailor Moon fics like this?
Lori: The majority of
the ones that I’ve seen are….only they have actual content..
Grace: Ouch! That
They both knew this was
heaven that they were feeling and they never wanted
to leave.But they
eventually had to and walked back to the camp. Serena was
feeling a little
nervous as to how Raye
would react when she saw Serena and Darien walking
back hand in hand, but
one look at her and Serena’s fears flew away. Raye was
holding one of
Chad’s hands and had her
head resting on his shoulder. They both looked
happy. In fact everyone
Lori: As usual..
Grace: (old Chinese
lady) How convenient!
Lori: They’re only happy
because they’re all high on the American imports of weed.
Grace: I thought Raye
wasn’t sure about her relationship with Chad! She said so herself when she talked with Darien!
Lori: Drugs can change
people, even the ones we love…
BOTH: Don’t let this
happen to your friends…
Lita was leaning against
Ken resting on him. Amy and Greg were sitting very
close and Amy blushed
but grinned at Greg when he slipped his arm around her
shoulder. Lizzie had
traded places with Mina
and was pushing her brother against Mina. Soon he
casually reached an arm
behind her back.
Grace: …to grab the
Miller Light on Mina’s other side…
Lori: ::sings:: How long
, how looo-ooong… I gotta take it on the other side..
Grace: ::slaps Lori::
Hang on girl! We’re almost done! Don’t fall apart on me now!
Lori: :: gulps:: okay,
I’m strong. I can’t let Mr. Smith, TOOG, win…
Mina didn’t seem to mind
at all.
Serena and Darien sat
down between Raye and Chad and Lita and Ken. Raye
looked at her best
friend and smiled happily. Serena sighted as Darien took her
hand and kissed her
Lori: 8 stars?! The fic
isn’t that great..
Grace: Is there such a
thing as and 8 star ranking?
Lori: Nope..
THE END!!! Crappy
Grace: Couldn’t have said
it better myself…
Lori: I think the author
is psychic! She read my mind!
but I wanted to add
something about Andrew and Mina.
Lori: Oh, you mean
Motoki and Minako…
Grace: I don’t know
which is worse: your knowing the Japanese names, or the fic…
BOTH: The fic.
Hehe. And about the guys
scene, I’m not exactly sure how guys talk about
girls where
their alone,
Lori: I don’t think that
guys talk about girls “where” “their” alone. My theory is, they grunt to convey
‘’they’re’’ messages.
Grace: Yup.
so I know that isn’t the
exact truth.
Grace: (imitating the
author) I just left some things our here and there, nipped and tucked a little,
if you know what I mean.
Lori: Damn you Clinton!
Damn you!
Grace: You’re
Lori: No, but Clinton
gave democrats a bad name, and Gore is following in Clinton-sama’s footsteps…
But hey this is my fic,
so that’s how I
made it. So, hwo was it?
Grace: You made us sit
through that and you have the nerve to ask us ‘how was it’?!
Lori: Calm down! The author
didn’t make us read it… Mr. Smith, TOOG, AKA Bob, TAMLOD, made us.
Grace: Wait, you mean
Bob, TAMLOD, is actually Mr. Smith, TOOG? Hahaha, how does ‘the all mighty lord
of darkness’ end up teaching high school geography?
Lori: Think about it.
What job instills more fear and hatred than teaching?
Grace: Ahhhhhhh……
Like it? Love it? Hate
BOTH: Not as bad as it
could have been. Hell no. Almost to the hate mark, but a couple bricks shy of a
full load…
Please send me your
ideas or
commments to
Lori: You do the honors Grace…
Grace: Well, if you insist. First, learn to use the spell
check function on your word processor.
It’s there for a reason and your fic is a perfectly good reason. Second,
don’t add to the English language, it’s got enough words already. We don’t need
new words like odvious and chemstry. Don’t add useless letters to words like
“comment” and “admit”. Also, I don’t think the sponsors of the Olympics would
appreciate your adding a new sport. Gymanstics doesn’t sound very fun. I think
that’s about it for me. Lori?
Lori: Oh yeah, next time don’t forget the plot, story line,
and character development. But above all…
Lori and Grace stretch and walk out of the theater.
“Wow, that
wasn’t as bad as that nameless fic! I think Bob, TAMLOD, is getting soft.” said
well, don’t let him hear that.” replied Grace.
The two girls went to the kitchen to get something to eat.
MSTing fics really takes it out of you. Lori was rummaging through the
vegetable drawer when the face of Bob, TAMLOD, suddenly appeared on the head of
lettuce that she was holding.
What the $&%^ !” screamed Lori as she dropped the lettuce on the floor and
hid behind Grace.
gingerly placed the glowering head on the counter.
“What do
you want Mr. Smith?” Grace sighed.
“Well, at
least this time it wasn’t my fault.” Lori said. “Ouch! Grace! That’s gonna
leave a mark…”
~HQ of Bob, TAMLOD~(AKA: HQ of Mr. Smith, TOOG, AKA:
Bellaire basement)
Bob: Natalie! Get me my RED PEN!
Natalie: Wha..what do you plan to do with it Mr. Smith?
Bob: Do not question my motives! Just get me my pen!
Natalie: Ok. ::Hands pen to Mr. Smith while muttering:: why
must he refer to it with such drama?
Bob: ::to himself:: Hmm, this looks like the perfect fic for
<<OPERATION BREAKAGE>> ::insert evil laughter here::
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I’d guess I’d be pretty hypocritical to not ask for flames.
But if you feel you must, then I’ll respect your choice. But first, let me tell
you the story of the Chinese Mafia...