Card Captor Sakura belongs to CLAMP and associates. MST3K belongs to Best Brains Inc. Any random mention of songs, quotes, etc. are property of the money making machines that put them out. You probably shouldn’t sue me because all you’d be getting is one Rayearth manga, a Slayers Try video and some anime cards.

            This story does not belong to me, it is the property of the author. I don’t intend to insult or cut down the author (even though it might seem like I am.) If any of you readers know this person and know that he/she wants it taken down, feel free to e-mail me. I apologize in advance if this offends anyone. (wouldn’t I make a great corporate lawyer?)

            So basically, I don’t own squat, I’m a poor Chinese high school student, I’m sorry for offending anyone (even though you should get your ass outta here if you don’t like this kinda stuff), and I did this out of sheer boredom instead of doing a project assigned to us for the summer.

Warning: I’ve not seen a single episode of MST3K. So beware of inconsistencies galore! Okay, on with the MST!


It was another peaceful day at MSTing HQ© and-

“Matte, matte MST-author-sama!” Lori cried.

Yes my little character-chan?

“Ano, I was wondering if you could possibly start with a different scenario. Please.”

Ara? Naze, Lori-chan?

“Well, bad things usually happen in fanfics when the author starts out with the phrase, “It was a….” Grace piped in.

Well, I’m sorry minna-chan, but I really have to start off the fic like that.

“We were afraid of that, thanks for the warning MST-author-sama!” said Lori.

Okay, now where was I…. oh yeah- and Grace and Lori were innocently trying to lock themselves in the girls bathroom…

            “Yatta!” cheered Lori, “Bob, TAMLOD, aka Mr. Smith, TOOG, can’t come in here now, ne Grace-chan?”

            “What in god’s name did you just say?”

            “Um, you might be offending some people out there, try saying some other divine idol’s name in vain...”

            Grace sighed, sometimes Lori could be so childish. “Fine, what in Bob’s name did you just say?”

            “You seem pretty skilled at Japanese yourself Grace, but I’ll tell you. I said-Yay, Bob, blah blah blah, can’t come in here now, right (good friend) Grace?”


            The two girls screamed at the top of their lungs in the way only girls can scream; high pitched and shrill, and just basically annoying (or so my Dad says).

“HENTAI!” Lori yelled chucking a sink at the floating screen.

“ECCHI!” Grace screamed, chucking a toilet at the hideous voyeur.

And of course, the person in the screen felt every piece of porcelain that was thrown at him.

             “Eek! Cover your eyes you sicko!” Lori shrieked, out of breath.

            “Yeah, or we’ll sic MST-author-sama at you! She’s a girl too….”

And so, the All Mighty Lord of Darkness, Bob, aka Mr. Smith, The Overlord of Geography, covered his eyes and began to speak again.

“I HAVE ANOTHER FANFIC FOR YOU, AND I KNOW THAT YOU TWO WILL HAVE A –“ He stopped when he heard Lori’s giggled comment to Grace.

            “You know, he looks really stupid like that. I mean, a floating screen in a girls’ bathroom covering his eyes. I wish I had a camera.

            “Lucky for you I’m always prepared.” Grace said as she took out her disposable camera.

Lori had stars in her eyes as she cried, “Grace! You’re the best!”

But Bob, on the other hand, didn’t think that about Grace and started glaring at the general proximity of the girls.

            Lori giggled again and whispered to Grace, “You know, I think he’s going to give us another one of those Sailor  Sappy Fanfic©! Yay, we get off easy today!”

But, Bob, being the extreme ruler and oppressive overlord that he was, heard that snide remark and sneered at the now cowering girls.


BOTH: We have fanfiction sign!



Door 1: There isn’t a door, instead, there’s a myriad (^_^) of yellow police tape blocking the            entrance. In the background, you can see cops chasing after people with        cameramen   following in suit. You don’t really feel like getting shot at so you move on.

Door 2: It is a door that is covered in a collage commemorating the anime Pokemon. Your anger   rises and you slowly take out your Sharpie© and begin to replace every “catch” with “kill.”         After you’ve had your fill of vandalism, you move on.

Door 3: It is a wall. You ponder this for a while until you see a sign that says “Look down”. You do    and see a hatch. To be honest, you’re too damn lazy to climb down so you move on.

Door 4: It’s not a door, but rather, an Ash© punching bag (only Ash, b/c Misty and Brock are cool,   and you haven’t seen enough of Tracy to hate him, and Pikachu is just too cute) You thank          the gods and begin your kick boxing lessons…

Door 5: It is not a door (You wonder if they’re having a shortage of doors) instead it’s a shrine to     Bob, TAMLOD, aka Mr. Smith, TOOG. You immediately scream bloody murder and then        you take out your Sharpie© and have a little fun. After you’ve thoroughly desecrated the            shrine, you feel a bit woozy due to the countless pictures of the Overlord. You decide to        move   on before you puke.

Door 6: It is yet another anime collage door. You cringe but upon closer inspection, the collage is   made up entirely of Tasuki pics. You lovingly embrace the door, kiss a super kawaii pic of        Tasuki, and then enter.


Grace: I wonder if Bob, TAMLOD, aka Mr.Smith, TOOG, will ever get tired of torturing us.

Lori: Will the sun cease to rise? Will the seasons cease to change? Will math cease to be a pain in the ass? I didn’t think so.

Grace: I think I like your other sarcasm better.

Lori: Oh, you mean: I can’t believe we have to sit through this crap.™?

Grace: Well, that wasn’t exactly sarcasm….

Lori: I just thought of something! You don’t have a coined phrase yet…we need to find you one!

Grace: Start the fic!!




Grace: Oh man, we’re only on the title and already I’m confused. How the hell do you get one from five?

Lori: ::singing:: How do you solve a problem like Maria? How do you hold a moon beam in your hand?

Grace: What is this? Poetic license day?

Card Captor Sakura FanFiction

Disclaimer : Card Captor Sakura is Clamp's Original work, all characters Viz. Video, etc...,are Clamp's property are used without permission, so the fictions are reserved for Entertainment Purpose Only

Lori:<as a southern church person> Lordy lordy, thank the lord.

Grace: ::mutters:: and you told ME to be PC…


Copy Right by Clamp, First Published by Kodensha Co. Ltd. 1994

Special Thanks To :

* Clamp
* Wong Si Yuan: For very helpful suggestion


Grace:…that I should quit while I’m ahead. <<The End>>

Lori: Poor Grace, that title got you didn’t it?

* All Home page that give me the chance to post my fiction in.

Very Special Thanks To : All readers


Lori: Yeah, well, we’d better be getting something for having to read this…


Grace: It’s a break line…yet, it is of no significance…. odd..

All events in this fiction referred to manga only thus all characters form animation or movies would not be reserved

Lori: If you look closely, you can make out dots and dashes! It’s some sort of code. Some sort of Morse code..

Part One: Coming


Grace: Part one’s coming? Like, it’s not done yet? Great! Glad to be of MSTing service. We’ll be going now! ::gets up to leave only to be stopped by a sweatdropping Lori::


Lori: I don’t think it’s gonna be that easy..


Lori: ::trying to decipher the code::


This was a beautiful afternoon, the clouds were floating and playing with the bright sun light in light blue sky, under the sky was Tokyo in Japan. After Eriol, Spinal Sun and Ruby moon left Tomoeda, everything turned back to the peace like nothing had or would happened.

Tokyo was being covered by

Grace:…a nice comfy blanket?

Lori: …a thick cloud of oppression?

peace while always busied

Lori:<as peace> Damn those humans! Always wanting me! ::in a bad accent with no real origin:: You canta hava peace! ::hits its butt in Mango© (SNL) like fashion.


at the same time. Narita Airport too, always had airplanes from every where in the world visited all the time. As usual, today, Narita Airport had airplanes landing in their railway

Grace: Presenting Airplane 5.0! Your plane flight backed up till next week because of lousy weather? Well, fear not fair citizens of Tokyo! Because the latest Japanese technology has brought you Airplane 5.0! If the flight is delayed, they cart the plane over to the nearest railroad track and you’re on your way! (Note: does not work if you’re traveling out of the island of Honshu)

Lori: ::is in shock:: Wow, you…learned…something in school! And geography of all things!

 and among them was an airplane from Hong Kong.

A lady was walking with a big travelling-bag, out of passenger-outward path. She wore red Chinese-style shirt matched with deep blue shin length fitted skirt matched with her black hair, pale skin, delicate made up.


Lori: ::shudders at the mental picture of the woman:: Okay, that is nasty! And how can her skirt match her hair if her skirt is blue and her hair is black?! That is so tacky! And WHO says ALL Chinese women are pale? I’m Chinese and my family comes from Hong Kong and yet ::looks at her arm:: I seem to be a healthy NON-PALE color….

Grace: ::backs away from Lori during her ranting:: Not all people think that, Lori. Author-san has decided to portray her character like that…

Lori: Right…sorry…I guess we chalk this one up to a bad fanfic? Gomen nasai de gozaru yo!


She was catching males' eye along the path

Grace: …it was just like back in Hong Kong when they would go out and have the annual egg hunt.

Lori:<as strange, clashing lady> Damn, missed that eye! Oops, that one was slippery!


she walked through out of Narita Airport. She called a Taxi and entered the car.


Grace: That was quick…

Lori: I guess taxis in Japan have better service than America.


"Good Afternoon Miss, Where do you want to go?" the Taxi-rider asked in polite manner.

She looked at two pieces of papers that were written something. She considered it as her choices for a moment, "Tomoeda, please," she finally informed the rider with her strange Japanese intonation.

Grace: …of DOOM!!!

* * * * * * * * *

Lori: ::starts to count:: 9 stars! Ha, you wish buddy!

At Tomoeda Elementary School, a long ringing sound was echoing though out the school, students began to leave their classrooms. The favorite topic they chatted was about summer vacation, which coming days.

"Tomoyo-chan where are you going to go in this summer?" Sakura asked while putting her stationery in her school bag.

Lori: Because in Tomoeda, students no longer carried around notebooks and binders. They were all too good for that, those bastards. They came, with frilly paper and envelopes. With stickers and colored pens. With..

Grace: ::with eyebrow raised:: Catcher in the Rye?

Lori: ….whatever gave you that idea, Grace-chan?


Tomoyo looked at her and said, waiting for her dear friend, "I still don't have any plan. What about you Sakura-chan?"

"Father's doing a research, he is very busy, may be all this summer vacation, I guess." She replied, turned to Shaolan who was behind her, about draping his school bag over his shoulder. "What about you Li-kun?"

"U-Um? I-I don't have any plan too

Grace:. blush madly in about two seconds

Lori: ::sighs:: Kakoi…


," he blushed as he was looking at Sakura. Tomoyo just smiled at the situation as she usually was.

Lori: …frowning and making kindergarteners cry

After saying goodbye to their friends in class, the kids were starting to walk out of their classroom together. Tomoyo stood near Shaolan whispered to him, "That is a good change for you to confess to Sakura-chan, ne?" After she finished, she walked quickly to waiting Sakura who was looking at them, her eyes was now focus on Shaolan's red face.

"Li-kun do you have fever? Your face is so red," she asked, staring at him in concerned for him.

Grace: Well, of course she’s staring at him in ‘concerned’! I mean wouldn’t you normally have ‘compassioned’ for a guy that’s red in the face?


"N-No, I'm fine," Shaolan shatteringly replied, seeing Sakura's beautiful warm eyes were staring made his heart started to feed his red blood

Lori:…to the dogs…

 to his face much more faster.

<I really wish I have a video recorder here, > Tomoyo thought, could not help but smiled at lovely screen in front of her.

The three kids were walking together, passing out of the school gate. They were caught

Lori:…in the tractor beam of the mother ship! Run! Run!

Grace: You really have an obsession with mother ships don’t you?


 and stopped by a female's voice called the name of the boy.


Lori: You know, I hate to be the voice of reason..

Grace: Oh admit it! You love to be the voice! Admit it!

Lori: ::sweatdropping:: Eh, well, yes, I do, why are you upset?

Grace: ::sniffle:: Because I want to be the voice of reason..

Lori: ::backs off slightly:: Ooooookay, then the job is yours! ^_^;

Grace: Yosh! Okay, first, if I’m not mistaken, the person is from Hong Kong and has a funky accent. So naturally we assume she speaks Cantonese, which is not defined in this instance because she is using the Pinyin system of writing Chinese in Mandarin.

Lori: ::nods:: Yup! In Cantonese, his name would be Siew Long (assuming that all the fan pages are right and his name in Chinese means little wolf, that’s the direct translation) Consistency people! Consistency!

Grace: Hey, that’s my line!

Lori: Well, you took my ‘voice of reasoning’ so I’m taking your ‘consistency’.

Elder lady called out little louder than the previous one, waving her right hand, trying to call their attention. Few students looked at the beautiful elder

Lori: ::stunned:: I have ~never~ heard of a beautiful elder before. I’m a little frightened.

Grace: Eew! And she was catching men’s eyes? She must be really fit….


who wore the red Chinese style shirt with long blue skirt

Lori: Wow! Did she get changed in the taxi? Because ~I~ recall her having a ‘shin length’ blue skirt…

Grace: I guess that taxi service is better than we thought….


and a pink round seem-to-be-a-fish-shape balloon, which was floating in front to her.


They whirled to the voice's direction. She smiled, walking straight to the little youngsters.

"Fuutie-oneesan!?" Shaolan was surprised by untold arrival of his sister, "Why you are here?" The boy asked, gazing up while his sister approached them. Sakura and Tomoyo too, were surprised with the sudden unexpected event.

"Do business," she replied the question, light-heartily shrugged.

"When did you came here?" he asked while the two little girls were listening the conversation confusingly.

Lori: Well, I don’t know about you, Grace. But I would certainly be ‘confusingly’ if I were them too. I mean, with all the INCORRECT tenses and uses of the verbs…

Grace: ::pats Lori on the shoulder reassuringly:: It’s okay, think about it this way. It’s better that author-san decided to use the verbs incorrectly rather than spelling them wrong AND using them incorrectly.

Lori: ::shudders:: Let us pray to L-sama that that never happens…


"Just for a hour," she began, "I go to your apartment but you're not there, I guess you are here so I put my baggage in and come to find you"

Grace: Man, her Japanese is worse than I thought….

"How can you know the path

Lori: …of the warrior? It is a long and hard path that each of us must take one day…


?" Shaolan was confused. He did not notice a round pink balloon, which was floating at the right in front of the elder.

Grace: Um, how can he not notice the balloon if he’s looking at his sister and the balloon is right in front of her face?

Lori: It must be because he’s contemplating the path of the warrior..

Grace: Or it could be because his heart is feeding his blood to the dogs…


Fuutie pointed at the round pink balloon, "Shiki-chan help me to find your trace."

"Shiki-chan?" Shaolan blinked twice looked at the balloon. "Aw!" Then he patted his one hand on his forehead

Lori: …and started to rub his stomach at the same time to test his warrior concentration…

, started to lecture again but this time mostly whispered to Fuutie, tiny frown was between his eyebrows.

Grace: Gee, I never noticed that third mouth in the anime.

Lori: Well, author-san is using the manga references.


 "How many times I told you don't used the magic creature 'Shiki' in public like this?!"

"Don't be so serious brother, everyone will thinks Shiki-chan is just a lovely balloon, see? No one doubted my Shiki-chan

Grace: …could kill that boy. No one doubted at all!

Lori: What have ~you~ been reading? Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler?


." She smirked.

Finally face faulted Shaolan gave up, he sighed. He never won any augment with his four older sisters at least once. Even he always had a good reason however he also always could not talk fast enough whenever he was talking with his four sisters.

Fuutie looked at the two little girls behind her little brother, "But why don't you introduce your cute friend there?"

Lori: And of course at Tomoeda, all the ‘friends’ are treated as a collective whole…


"Hm?" Shaolan looked up; he turned to Sakura and Tomoyo. He spread out his right hand to his sister to introduce her to the girls. "She is Li Fuutie my eldest sister," she smiled at the girls as Shaolan continued, "This is Daidouji Tomoyo and ..Kinomoto Sakura." Tomoyo could clearly perceive that Shaolan was blushing while he was introducing Sakura, she smiled.

Fuutie bowed in traditional Japanese greeting gesture to the girls, "Li Fuutie, nice to meet you." Shiki-chan mimicked her, greeted the girls too.

"Kinomoto Sakura"

"Daidouji Tomoyo"

Grace: Um, why did they just say their names again?

Lori: I guess our little Li-kun didn’t do a good job. He still has the rest of the path to go…


"Nice to meet you," two girls said in union, made a greeting bow back at the young woman.

Fuutie bent down to girls looked at Sakura and asked, "Oh! You're master of Clow card always Shaolan write in the letters, right?" Sakura reluctantly nodded, "Y-Yes," this was a secret but since the woman was Shaolan's sister, it was no need to keep the story in secret to her. "So, you're Sakura-chan's friend who always recorded video tapes, right?" Young lady turned to Tomoyo who nodded, "Yes," replied and smiled gentle.

Lori: You know, for a guy that’s supposed to be all isolated from the ‘group’, he sure writes a lot to his sister.


"Wow! I want to see when Sakura-chan catch the cards too, I want to know how cute she is when she catch the card." Fuutie exclaimed sharp voice in excitement.

Tomoyo's smile became bigger, she said, "If you want to, I will give the copies to you tomorrow"

"Really?? Thanks you Tomoyo-chan." Fuutie twinkled

Grace: How the heck do you twinkle?

Lori: Hmm, let’s find out…::begins to twinkle::

Grace: ::turns green:: Let us never speak of twinkling again…


 at the girls cheerfully as Tomoyo smiled back. "How cute friends you have Shaolan?" Her little brother blushed as responded. "Okay," elder lightly clapped her hands, regained kids' attention, turned her face to the girls. "For a good day likes this, do you all want some ice cream with me? I'll pay for you all. But you must guide me because I don't know where an ice cream shop is." Fuutie smiled brightly to two girls who giggled.

"Yes," girls replied

Lori: …but boys said, “No” because he wanted sorbet.


"Let's go," Fuutie cheerful said.

They walked along the side of street; Tomoyo was Fuutie's side and Shiki-chan on other of Fuutie's side, informed the way to the foreigner. Sakura and Shaolan were walking behind them.

"Your sister is so beautiful," Sakura whispered, "You're so lucky Li-kun

Grace: Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t that sound a tad bit incestual to you?

Lori: Well, I’m not going to correct you there…


," turned to smile at the boy. Her cute smile drove Shaolan blushed, his brain took a quick holiday.

Grace: …to Tahiti where it promptly forgot about Sakura and spent the rest of its days drinking margaritas on the beach…

"U-um," was he could talk, nodded once.

Fuutie peeked over her shoulder at two kids behind her, her lip made a curve up

Lori: …until it hit her eyebrow where it promptly curved back down again…

Grace: Ouch, that’s gotta hurt!

, she quickly turned back when the group arrived at a shop.

The group entered ice cream shop, which windows were decorated with various colors of flowers and ribbons with sweet smell of ice creams in the shop. Peoples sat almost all the seat the shop provided as customers, their faces were showing that they were enjoying the sweet mood of the shop and the test of ice cream

Lori: They were ~enjoying~ a test?! ::faints::

Grace: ::rouses Lori:: But wait Lori-chan, it’s an ~ice cream~ test!

 they were eating.

The new comers sat down on a bench, Fuutie and Shaolan on one side, Sakura and Tomoyo on opposite side.

The fours looked at menus a waiter

Grace: Wow, what a high-class ice cream place… menus and waiters..

Lori: Must be the equivalent to a US yuppie-ville…


 brought them while the four customers had not made any order, waiter looked up little staring at a round pink balloon, which was drifting still in wonder. Waiter's eye wide opened when the round pink balloon smiled back moreover bowed as if it was greeting. If it was an ordinary animal the waiter might smiled back and admired that it was so clever but it was a balloon in waiter's eye that was a problem.

Seeing that, Shaolan rapid ordered stole waiter's attention from the magic creature, the three ladies respectively ordered followed him. After took all the orders, waiter quickly observed Shiki-chan once again before left the customers.

Shaolan twisted to his eldest sister

Lori: ::singing:: Come on baby! And do the twist…


, "Fuutie-oneesan why you still let Shiki floating like this?" He asked, kept his voice soft.

"Why not? Who'll know besides Shiki-chan also wants to come to Japan for a long time, it must hide in my baggage all the time when we're on airplane. Why not let Shiki-chan have the joyful trip in Japan? ne Shiki-chan." Fuutie turned to Shiki-chan for agreeing support her comments as it nodded slightly and it wheeled to Shaolan staring, glimmer eyes, at him like a poor puppy dog bagging for his

Lori: …weekly pay at Kroger…

Grace: Well, this doesn’t seem to fit. I mean, she doesn’t really know Japanese right? And Li can speak Cantonese, so why don’t they just speak Cantonese to each other?

Lori: Actually that raises the question of why Li keeps talking softly to his sister in Japanese about ‘Shiki-chan’ when he could just as easily talk to her at normal volume in Cantonese and not have anything to worry about.

Grace: ::sighs:: Once again people…

BOTH: Consistency!


"Okay," Shaolan sighed in fail. Sakura and Tomoyo could not help but giggling at the cute sibling, the eldest sister absolutely loved to tease her little brother. But one thing rushed in the boy's brain when he heard the word 'baggage'

"Fuutie-oneesan, do you told me you put your baggage in my room in apartment before you find me?" Shaolan asked.

Fuutie turned to Shaolan, "Yes, why?"

"So how can you put your baggage in my room since you have not the key? I didn't lock the door?" Boy confused as the girls also started to think of that question.

"Yes, you already locked it," she shrugged.

"Then how?" For now the three kids were really confused.

"I just used my needle and added some tricks but it didn't open so I used some strength, kicked it and it easily opened . Nothing needs to worry. Thanks for your concern brother." Fuutie told as matter of face, smiled sweetly to Shaolan.

A big sweat drops appeared on the three kids' head, speechless for a minute. Shaolan stood up headache

Lori: He…he stood headache up? Of all the rotten, stinking…

Grace: I’m getting a headache from reading the choppy language….


 sighed. "All right I'll call apartment caretaker

Grace: Oh is that what they call them in Japan? Here we call them landlords or in some cases, pieces of shi-

Lori: ::with hand over Grace’s mouth:: Man, you were doing so well, where did your little censor run off to?

Grace: ::muffled:: It’s probably where yours is, in Abu Dhabi, which is the capitol of…

Lori: One more word, ~Grace-chan~ and I’ll send you there too….


 before she is shocked that you are a theft invades in my room."

Before Sakura or Tomoyo could say anything, he already walked for finding a telephone. <A lot of surprises hit him today make him forget that we have the mobile phone, > two girls thought. As Sakura prepared to stand up to follow Shaolan, her hand was caught by Fuutie who smiling at her.

"Let him, I want some girls' talk to you two."

"Yes, Li-Fuu..Li-san," Sakura perplexed how to termed her.

Fuutie giggling as Sakura sat down, "Just Fuutie is enough."

"Yes Fuutie-san," Sakura nodded.

Elder smiled at girls, turned to looked at Shaolan who was standing in a line with few persons in front of him that waiting for using the phone in the shop too.

"He's change so much," Fuutie began.

"Ho-e?" Sakura confused.

Lori: Also Lori confused. Grace confused?

Grace: ::rubs her head in vain to get rid of the migraine that has formed:: No, I am not confused. Just frustrated. ::takes out some aspirin::

Fuutie whirled to the girls, "I mean he's more cheerful, not so serious, reticent like before he came here


Lori: So…he must have been, like a living rock back in Hong Kong…cheerful my arse.

Grace: Hehe, you shouldn’t use UPS to deliver packages, Lori-chan, looks like your censor is back…


." Her face changed to show more serious expression made girls' attention focused on her, she put her two hand, laced all her ten fingers and put it on the table

Both: Owie!

, took a deep breath.

"Since our father died when he was young," she began. "Mother and we as his sisters so much worry about him especially two things. One is he's the one who going to be the leader of our clan. Even now mother's the leader but it's just temporary until he grows up enough. For that he must learns a lot of things and practices terrible hard. It's much more than a ten years old boy can take."

Fuutie turned to look at Shaolan, "That small shoulders must carry all hope and responsibility of our clan. He never has a chance to live or even acts like other ordinary children in his age. He completely aware what is bounding him, always used all his effort in it, he's not even complain in addition he does things well. But I know, all we know, he feel lonely even he try to hide that feeling, doesn't want us to worry about him."

Lori: Well, busu, I have a simple solution, get your mom to marry some other guy!

Grace: Clan? Man, it’s like some sort of warriors guild or something….


Both Sakura and Tomoyo could tell that the way Fuutie looked at Shaolan was exactly the same as the way their family looked at them. It had Fuutie's love, concern, good wish, warmth unmasked in the Li sister's eye. Smiling arisen on two girls' face as they felt warmth reached them.

Grace: <as Tomoyo> All right, who passed gas?


Fuutie turned to smiling lightheartedly to girls, "I glad that he seems to happier here," she bowed at two girls

Lori:…it was only after she hit her head on the table that she realized she was still sitting down…

 and Shiki-chan did so

Grace: What is that thing? Like a physical echo?

. "Thank you for take caring of him and be his friends," she said.

Tomoyo smiled and bowed back accepted her Thank while Sakura seemed to little startle before she bowed at the elder.

Grace: Even though both the girls had seen Fuutie hit her head on the table, they still bowed all the same…I thought Japanese kids were smart…

Lori: They are, but author-san isn’t exactly the brightest crayon in the box….


 Sakura did not think that she would received a formal thank from Fuutie like this. They did not say anything, did not want to interupt what Fuutie would talk next.

Fuutie continued, "But another thing's so much important…." She paused, her face became darker.

"What's that, Fuutie-san. If Li-kun has any problems, we'll help him because he also help me a lot besides he's our friend too, ne Tomoyo-chan." Sakura turned to Tomoyo who smiling nodded to her then looked at Fuutie. "Yes, Fuutie-san," Tomoyo said.

Fuutie gave two girls a thank smile

Lori: …rather than a thank you smile, because those things took too much effort…

, "Thank you very much, Sakura-chan, Tomoyo-chan." Girls smiled back.

Grace: do you think she’s thanked them enough?

Lori: Nah, I think that one more time will suffice.

"So what do you worry about? Fuutie-san," Tomoyo asked.

"We afraid that…Shaolan…will…….." Fuutie paused again. Sakura and Tomoyo paid full their attention to young woman. They doubted what was she so much worry about it might be a really big important problem, no matter what it was they would help their friend, they thought.

"He will…." Fuutie hesitated to say the next, motivated Sakura and Tomoyo unaware bent forward slightly for listened what she was going to say.

"Be a gay."

Lori: ::sniffles:: She…she doesn’t want her little brother to be happy?

Grace: There, there, he owes his life to the clan….

Two girls almost slipped down to the floor for what Fuutie's clearly voice, finished. A huge sweat drops was on their each other head. Fuutie crossed her arms on her chest as she continued in serious expression.

"He's only a son out of five sibling and only male in our family. I have ever listen from television and read from a book that in his case, he has the high probability to become a gay."

Lori: What the he-::a short scuffle between Lori and her censor::-eck kind of theory is that? Geez, she sounds like my mother. “Milk will give you breast cancer” Yeah, so will everything else….

Grace: Um, what proof do the books and shows have, I mean, wouldn’t spending a lot of time around girls make him somewhat adept to girls’ feelings, in turn, making him a player?

Lori: Wow, now ~that’s~ a theory…


"Um, that is a considerable problem for families today

Grace: Not in Japan, it ain’t…


," Tomoyo added, she rested her chin on her thump and index fingers while another one crossed on her chest, the expressions serious think gesture.

"Ho! I can't imagine what does he look if he dress like a girl," Fuutie's located her two hands on her cheeks

Lori: …after many weeks of difficult searching….


, shook her head slightly. Shiki-chan did too, it seemed to reflected all Fuutie gesture like a little baby.

"Well, he did, ne Sakura-chan," Tomoyo turned to Sakura who still confused and smiled, putting one hand in her school bag.

"??" Was what Sakura returned

Grace: Must be awfully difficult to talk with your mouth full of question marks…

Lori: Very painful, I hear.

"Did he?!" Fuutie took aback.

Lori: <as Tomoyo> No, not really, we just like to play with people’s heads.

Tomoyo picked a photo from her school bag, laid it in front of Fuutie and pointed at the photo. "Here Fuutie-san," she said soft voice.

Fuutie, Shiki-chan and Sakura leaned forward for took a clear look. That picture had Sakura wore in traditional European costume with hat, she wore as if a prince. Shaolan wore a very long skirt, long curl wig match with a crown on his head. Not only them, fairy Naoko, Shiharu, queen Rika, witch Yamazaki, all Sakura's class members on the picture.

"That's the photo when we acted 'Sleeping Beauty' in School annuity day

Grace: Annuity? What the heck is that?!

Lori: ::gets out her dictionary:: Hmm, 1) a payment of a fixed sum of money at regular intervals of time, esp. yearly 2) an investment yielding periodic payments during the annuitant’s lifetime….

Grace: So, let me get this straight. On the day that the school had to pay their little yearly thing, they had a play.

Lori: Well, that’s what author-san wrote. I wonder what they have to pay for.


, right?" Sakura asked, looked at Tomoyo. She nodded, smiled.

"Wow! Cuteee, everyone's so cute" Fuutie exclaimed in wonder. "You too are so cute, Sakura-chan, I bet you're the prince, right?" she looked up at Sakura.

"Y-Yes," Sakura's face became redden.

Lori: Introducing Crayola© Crayon Box 5.0! Tired of those ‘regular’ old colors? Well, now all your problems are solved because now because the monopoly of the crayon world, Crayola©, has released its Crayola Crayon Box 5.0©! With the brand new colors: redden, bluen, greenen, yellowen, purplen, orangen, brownen, and blacken. Exactly like the old colors, but these are face compatible! Buy today!


"His role was Aurora Princess

Grace: As in Princess of the Aurora? Wow, where are her subjects? Her kingdom?

Lori: It’s probably a magical place, full of wonderment and delight!


, Fuutie-san," Tomoyo stated.

"No doubt, he'll make a very cute girl if he's a gay

Lori: Duck?

Grace: Fruitcake?

Lori: So, is author-san assuming that just because he’s gay, then he’ll be dressed like the opposite sex?

Grace: ::shudders:: I’ll never be happy again….


," Fuutie said amusingly, two girls giggling

"Who's gay?" Voice from behind startled Fuutie, Tomoyo speedily hid the picture. That was Shaolan came back after finished his business.

Lori: …I thought he went to call the landlord, not use the restroom.

Grace: <as Fuutie> Well, apparently you are, I mean, here’s the proof. ::hands the photo to Li::


"Nothing nothing. We're talking about you always take care of us specially Sakura-chan all the time." Distorted the truth Tomoyo.

Grace: What a nice epithet. I think I’ll be Voice of Reason Grace.

Lori: And I’ll be Consistency People Lori.

Grace: It sounds like we’re becoming super heroes, Consistency People Lori.

Lori: Why, whatever do you mean, Voice of Reason Grace?


"Ho-e?" Confused Sakura.

"Yes, Tomoyo-chan's right," confirmed Fuutie, she smiled at Tomoyo as Tomoyo could get Fuutie's joke at the beginning, they got along together so nicely though not sure for Sakura that she could get it or not.

Lori: Wha…. the he-::receives an evil glare from her censor:: crap…?

Grace: Allow me to translate. Tomoyo understands Fuutie’s cover-up, referred to as a ‘joke’, and then author-san says that Tomoyo and Fuutie get along but they aren’t sure if Sakura got the ‘joke’ or not.

Lori: I lost you after the ‘Allow me to translate’.


"U-Um," Shaolan blushed intensely, not bothered to question anything further, he sat down on his seat. Fuutie glanced at Sakura then her little brother and grinned.

"What about your room?" Tomoyo asked him.

"Caretaker's really surprise, she thinks that a theft invades my room. When I called her she was about to call policeman. Good luck not thing to be damage."

"As I told you that don't worry anything," Fuutie said evenly, looked at the waiter who approached the bench

Grace: …and had a quick chat with the judge before returning to cross-examine the witness…


 they were sitting and served ice creams they had ordered.

Lori: Tsk, tsk, tsk, nice place but bad service…took him forever with their ice cream. How long does it take to scoop ice cream anyway?

The curious waiter gazing at Shiki-chan again, good thing that Shiki-chan did not cycled to look back because it was interesting in ice cream its master ordered so that effected Shiki-chan was looked like an ordinary balloon, which drifting motionless. Then waiter finally ended the observation, it might be partially blind, waiter reasoned, therefore the waiter turned to leave the customers.

Grace: Or he could just be crazy…

After they finished to eat

Lori: ::falls over into the aisle:: They’re going to eat again? You mean the only reason they finished eating ice cream was to eat again? Argh! Even I don’t eat that much!

, they said good bye to each another and made their way back home

* * * * * * * * *

Grace: ::stands there and looks at the 9 stars::

Lori: Whatcha doing?

Grace: I’m trying to figure out if this is a scene change or not.

Lori: Who cares?

Grace: You have a point.

Fuutie and Shaolan walked along the street side, arrived to apartment where Shaolan lived. Shaolan stopped in the apartment caretaker's room for a minute said something about sorry for complicated things his sister had did and introduced Fuutie to the caretaker

Lori: …of all things evil..

Grace: I didn’t know Bob, TAMLOD, aka Mr. Smith, TOOG, was making a cameo in this fic.


, this time Shaolan command Shiki-chan that it had to pretend to be a balloon and it did. After finished they left, walked to Shaolan's room.

He wondered his room's door was not damaged much as he though, it just only a door bolt that seemed to be obviously damaged but all still could be used, at least until he bought a new one tomorrow. Even it was not a right tactfulness to appreciate what his sister did, but it was proven that his sister was great in estimating of power she used in her kick to create least damage as much as possible.

"Fuutie-oneesan, which room does you want to sleep? I'll set it," Shaolan asked.

"Oh, thanks brother, you haven't to do it cause I already did it." Fuutie said in gratitude.

Lori: Grace, you and I are both Chinese right?

Grace: ::sarcastically:: Last time I checked Lori.

Lori: Have you ~ever~ called your brother, brother? I mean, without an insult attached to it? I haven’t.

Grace: Well, in Japan and also China they do that.

Lori: Oh! So author-san must be a foreigner!

Grace: ::mutters:: Get me out of this freaking bathroom…


"You did? Which room?" Shaolan astonished his voice a bit louder.

"There," Fuutie nodded and point at a room beside his bedroom. "I want to take a bath before dinner time," she informed him. She walked to her room picked a towel and entered bathroom left Shiki-chan outside as it settled down itself on the counter bar, which was in main part of Shaolan room.

Shaolan walked to the room that now was sister bedroom, for checking what would be needed more and his sister might forgot. The room was already set completely as his sister said. A bed, bed cloth, pillows, all her outfit was put in a wardrobe in t he room, everything was more than ready for Fuutie to stay in.

<No wonder she could find a right way to bathroom, > Shaolan though before left the room.

An hour later Fuutie went out form bathroom, wearing her pajamas. Shaolan was preparing stuffs for dinner; Shiki-chan was beside him like Kero-chan drifting beside Sakura when she cooked. Young woman

Lori: @_@ I thought she was an ‘elder’ lady…

Grace: ::sighs:: If only we could turn back time like that…


 walked peered over one of her little brother's shoulder to see what he was doing.

"What are you cooking?" Curious Fuutie asked.

"Ramen," he replied as he almost finished cooking, just boiled noodles in soup dinner would be ready to eat. "Do you want to eat now?"

"Yes, your Ramen is very delicious

Grace: @_@ I think ~anyone’s~ Ramen would be delicious…seeing as how they all come in the same packages, probably from the same processing plant, with the same flavor packages!


, I'll set the table," joyful Fuutie and Shiki-chan started to set table…..actually Shiki-chan just drifting on its master's side looked its master set dinning table.

Shaolan carried a tray of Ramen out off kitchen walked to the table near to reach the table.

"Tomoyo-chan and especially SAKURA-chan is very cute, ne Shaolan," Fuutie said half playfully as she stressed her voice on Sakura's name.

He immediately slipped with the tray in his hand when he hard what Fuutie said however not lost his balance to allow boiling water boiled himself. He quickly placed the tray on the table, his face red.

When she saw little boy blushed she grinned and said, "I know your class performed 'Sleeping Beauty' and YOU WAS AURORA princess, right?"

Lori: I WONDER if the CAPS means you HAVE to put EMPHESIS on that particular WORD.

Grace: So If I TaLkEd LiKe ThIs WhAt WoUlD i SoUnD lIkE?


"And SAKUR-chan was THE PRINCE, right?"

Grace: I thought SAKURA-chan was THE PRINCE.


"By the story

Lori: …is a novel, and by the novel is an essay…

 prince has to KISS princess to wake her up, right?"


Grace: ::singing:: Nobody can say no to the honey nut O’s in Honey Nut Cheerios©.

"I wonder did prince SAKURA gave a REAL KISSED to Princess SHAOLAN?"

Grace: I thought SAKUR was THE PRINCE that was supposed to KISSED the PRINCESS.


<It's fun to tease him, > Fuutie enjoyed, not let him a chance to protest her

Lori: …and her whale killing ways.

Grace:<as Li> No! Onee-chan, please! The whales are important to the eco-

Lori: <as Fuutie> Ap bap bap bap! SH!

Grace:<as Li> bu-

Lori: <as Fuutie> Sh!

Grace<as Li> …

. "Do you like Sakura-chan?" She paused, bent down face on boy's eye level, and grinned evilly, "or.." She looked up like she thought the exactly word which named the feeling, which much more than 'like'

"LOVE?" She finished.

Shaolan blushed even deeper, now his face was the same color of tomato source

Lori: Which of course is a tomato, but as the red M&M would say…

Grace: …I’m not a plain M&M, I’m milk chocolate.


 that located at the center of dinning table.

Grace: Do they even have tomatoes in Japan? And why would one just be sitting in the exact center of the ‘dinning’ table?

"Do you told Sakura-chan that YOU LOVE HER?" Fuutie stopped, waiting for answer but answer her little brother gave her was silence and blushed even deepen. She grinned, all things was easy to obvious and understood.

Lori: You know, normally, I’d say, “Whatever floats your boat.” But here’s where I draw the line. They’re 10!

Grace: So what, he’s the leader of a powerful clan in Hong Kong, and she’s dealt with more monsters than you can count.

Lori: Hey, I thought you hated Li.

Grace: I don’t hate him, but I love proving you wrong.

"I guess you haven't told her YOU LOVE HER." She stressed, over stressed every word that enforced boy's heart danced faster

Grace: …and faster, and faster, and faster, until it burst and Li had heart ‘fail’. <<The End>>

Lori: Yay! Let’s go! ::starts moving toward the bathroom door with Grace in tow::


Grace: ::turns to Lori:: Well, the consequences sound pretty good right about now…

Lori: ::sighs with grim determination in her eyes:: No, I’m sorry Grace. I…can’t give up. I can’t be broken. You…can go on…but I couldn’t live with myself if I gave up.

Grace: ::whimpers:: But Lori, this is by far the longest and most grueling fic we’ve ever seen! I ::sobs:: can’t take it!

Lori: ::dissolves into tears:: I know! Don’t you think I know? But I’d rather be a MSTer now than a Fallen MSTer ::eyes Natalie in the background:: for all eternity.

Grace: Ok! I won’t give up! ::grabs her bat and hits Bob in the face for not covering his eyes while in the girls’ restroom::

Lori: Nice to have you back, I’d probably die without my Voice of Reason!

 and she succeeded as his face turned red much enough to make not-really-knew-what-was-going-on Shiki-chan startled.

Fuutie enjoyed the moment of terrible embarrassment of little brother for a while, she never ever seen him embarrassed till today and she knew that was meant her brother was falling in love with a girl.

Sudden her face became darker exactly the same whenever she though that what was bounding her little brother from ordinary happiness that everyone could get if that person had not to take whatever her little brother must take. This was not fun if considered of what she was going to tell him

Again Fuutie tried to control her face.

Lori: …because it was trying to attack Shiki-chan…

"Shaolan," Fuutie called him as he lifted his red face looked at her. Shaolan looked at the face of the woman who

Grace: …seems to keep changing ages?

Lori: …is about to tell some Earth-shattering news that will certainly make Li unhappy and make Sakura and Li’s relationship speed up about 6 years?


 teller than he. He saw Fuutie's facial expression changed, to the warm smiled to him like his mother always did.

She knelt down in front of the little youngster, looked deep in his eyes as concerned on her face, she took a deep breath.

"Shaolan," she began, "All Clow cards was collected, right?" She said every word softly but totally clear, her face was serious still.

He hesitantly nodded lightly, staring still on the face in front of him.

Lori: Ehem! First, I know for a fact that it takes more than one season to collect all the cards. And besides that, the manga is still running(if author-san is going by the manga, author-san should know this) so, the consistency doesn’t exist!

Grace: ::covers her ears and yells:: Hey! Don’t tell me these things! Bad Lori!


"The judgement from Yue was done, changing of Clow cards was completed, Clow Reed's reincarnation, what was his purposes and he achieved it, right?"

He nodded again.

"Do you remember your real purpose when you came here was?" Her face was delicate like Chinese goddess

Lori: She has multiple arms?

 soft, warm, gentle. She tried her best to do it

Chill dashed, stubbed through his backbone like he knew what was Fuutie going to tell him. He could do nothing but wryly nodded and tried to utter his voice from his dry throat. He gulped looked down on the floor his heart beat faster.

"…S-Seal Clow card to prevent the d-disaster," he replied but his voice like whisper than talking. Red color of life, of embarrassment, which was on his face minute ago, was all vanished, his face pale. His hands were clenched to be fists.

"All things was done, no any diastase happen, Shaolan, our real purpose was done, you did the excellence job.

Grace: I thought he was considered a traitor in his family because he helped Sakura collect the cards. Because if you recall, when he first met Sakura, he wanted all the cards for himself. So reasonably, he didn’t do his job at all.

Lori: ::mutters:: And you said I gave away the story…


 For the duty you must stay in Japan for a year, we're so proud of you." Fuutie gentle patted his head lovingly, starring in his eyes. "I know you miss home and we do. Especially mother, she really think of you so she quickly sent me here for takes you back, to our home, Shaolan."

Every word was clear, it was clear enough to cause he gasped for taking an oxygen because he felt was difficult to breath. He gasped because he heard something he did not want to.

Not like he did not miss his family, he missed his mother, all his four elder sisters, when he saw Fuutie was here in Japan, he was so glad even he did not show it out. He did not want to leave Japan because someone bounded his heart

But since he was 'Li Shaolan' who was bounded by all responsibility and hope of his clan. He must learn a lot of thing and practiced so terrible heard, as the matter of Fuutie's every word nothing less than that in ordered to be the leader of clan.

Lori: Grace, do you think it’d be too much to repeat that Li needs to go back to Hong Kong for the good of the clan at least two times in each part of the story?

Grace: No, I don’t think it’s too much. But on the other hand, I’m really worried about Li and how he has to go back to Hong Kong to take his place as king! ::ehem:: Sorry, a little too much Lion King there.

Lori: And do you think that the readers know that Fuutie feels bad enough about having to bind him to his duty and take him away from Sakura, which she knows he loves?


Shaolan's brain was blanked, he did not want to think but it dashed in. He knew, always knew what his sister told him would happen but it still….hurt. Hurt becaused of he was bounded by family responsibilyty as he was Li not his family.

For Fuutie, she knew lie or pretending, refused the truth would not help, It would much hurt if he knew at ending. Her naive little brother hurt, she knew went away from his friends, ……from Sakura-chan, it was hurt. He bound with Japan more than she thought.

Grace: Gee, I wonder if Li and Fuutie feel bad enough…

Lori: Well, how can we tell if they feel bad enough. I think we need to read it a few more times….


Saw little boy was standing still, glancing on the floor, two fists lightly shook. She felt more than terrible pity to him. Her dear ten years old brother was hurt by her words. She felt herself not less than demon that made the boy hurt.

Fuutie leaned forward, used her two hands hugged him, consoling her little brother was all she could does now as Shaolan did not resisted and but not hugged back.

"When we'll go?" Evenly tone in boy's voice asked.

"One week from now," Fuutie said clammily.

"Um," he accepted. Shaolan gentle pulled his sister out released himself.

Eldest sister could see her little brother. He was crying but did not had any noise of sniffling or sobbing, had no tear on his face, no emotion, his face just blanked that was the way he cried. Lament? Frustration? Or glad for coming home? She did not know but she could understand that he……shocked. Her eyes follow the boy as he walked toward his bedroom.

"Where did you go?" Fuutie asked worrying.

Lori: <as Li> ::spotlight:: Well, if you really want to know….I went…to Broadway!

Grace: <as Li> ::singing:: I’ve got rhythm, I’ve got music, I’ve got my could ask for anything more?

"I want some rest," his voice nearly whispered.

"S-Shaolan," Fuutie paused

Grace: …confused because of the fact that she had just developed a lisp…


, thought about she must talk something but what. "Wha-What about dinner?" Asked Fuutie, <Why did I say that silly thing??> She rebuked herself.

Lori: Maybe it’s because Li has to go back to Hong Kong in order to regain title as the ruler of the Li clan.

Grace: I bet you feel really bad about saying that, now don’t you…


"I'm not hungry, goodnight Fuutie-oneesan," the last sentence was out as Shaolan closed the door of his bedroom faintly.

Fuutie sighed, <I want this news surprise him but it's not what I want..> She looked at Shaolan through the door of his bedroom, her eyes was sad. <Poor brother, he upset more than I though. He didn't open his mouth to protest, I guess he even didn't think an excuse to live here.>

* * * * * * * * *


In bedroom, Shaolan lied on his bed, still awake, he did not turn on the light in his bedroom. He was staring out to through window in his room, staring at stars that were twinkling, esteeming their starlight against the moon and the sky in the night. He did not think anything just staring.

For Shaolan, he was….shocking by the new hit him like a thunderbolt.

Grace: What the heck is a thunderbolt?

Lori: A Lockheed for thunder? Ba dum bump!

Grace: You are so corny…

He was tied by two bounds that he considered worthily than himself but he already made his decision.

Decision that he had no other choice to choose.

Lori: Let me guess, being the guy that he is, he has to fulfill the family honor….

The decision would be what he recognized of it for a long time, the decision that was honor and pride of the family.

Grace: ::claps for Lori::

Even that decision was scrambling his friend from him. He knew all his classmate in school was good person and be his friends. Not like Hong Kong that just respected him, almost feared of him because of his family's reputation, they put him on alter

Lori: He’s getting married in heaven?

 above their heads, that was so….lonely.

Even that decision was scrambling his heart from him tore him from his first love.

But he could not let self-fish of his own happiness enclosed his mind, his mother, his family thought of him, everyone was waiting for him to go back. He must do that decision was because he was born as Li's members but his life he got was not his life.

Lori: Okay! I said consistency! Not repetitiveness!

Grace: Wow, didn’t even think ‘repetitiveness’ was a word…

One thing that he thought it was good now was he did not confessed his feeling to Sakura yet, if he did it might hurt even more than he was.

Grace: Good plan Li, and after you’ve finished killing off your one chance at happiness, why don’t you jump off a cliff with all the other saps that think like you.

Lori: Wait, he has to go back to Hong Kong first and take his place as leader of the Li clan!

Grace: ::sarcastically:: How could I have forgotten that little detail?

-------------E N D---------------

Both: Lordy Lordy, thank the Lord!

To Be Continue Next

Lori: …millennium!

Grace: I hate to break it to you, but the next millennium starts January 1, 2001. Because, you see, there was no year 0 so we all started our calendars on the year 1. And what’s 2000 + 1?

Lori: You ~really~ know how to burst bubbles, don’t you…
Bubbling with Mee-na about the story:

Lori: Quick Grace! Burst her bubble!

Hello! All dear reader, as I must said this is my first CCS fiction& first fiction that I succeed to send it to home page.

Lori: ::sarcastically:: Really, we hadn’t noticed.

 ^-^ So it might not good as others but I will try to improve myself, as CLAMP's thick fan

Grace: For thick fans everywhere, I resent that remark.

Lori: So if author-san is a thick fan…::shudder:: what are the thin fans like?

 I swear next will coming in few mouth

Grace: Oh, no, no, no, take your time! We can wait.

, in case that is so late & I have an exam. (your comment & complementary will help me a lot, ) For the story, well, I think I want this fiction to be one short but it long than I thought

Lori: I’ll say…

 and I don't think it will be somewhat almost dark like this. What about you?

Grace: What about me?

 What do you think with this? Let me know, don't be shy, your comment is very important for my life

Lori: …because, I’m on a life support system that only takes comments for energy to keep me alive…

Grace: Well, if it’s ~that~ important to your survival… Let’s see, you didn’t have as many spelling errors as our last authors, but your use of the correctly spelled words is atrocious! Normally, I don’t condone Grammar Check© but in your case, I’d gladly make that exception! Lori?

Lori: I don’t know if I want to give her comments. I mean, if we don’t give her comments, she’ll die right? And then there’ll be no one to write the next part!

Grace: Too late, I already gave her my comments, that’s gotta last her a while. Besides, don’t you wanna know what happens to Li and Sakura?

Lori: Grace, I care more about my censor than the shi-er-crap that happens to them. Fine, fine, consistency again people. Not repeating things! Just get them consistent! REPEAT! DO NOT REPEAT THINGS! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!


, even your want some chat with me about his story also very important with me than you think, you know.

Hardest things of thins part??

Both: Having to read it again.

Um..How Fuutie will tell Shaolan and What Shaolan reacted, were hardest.

Lori: Well, I’m glad you got that part down, but did you have to repeat it over and over and over…

I used almost 6-7hours for changed and considered it and changed back and considered it. What you have read is somehow darker than another one.

Grace: Well, with the number of times you mentioned Fuutie’s guilt, it’d better be darker!

Anyway, Your chitchat with this story, your comment, etc are very welcome and very important to my life >_<

Lori: I don’t believe this! Even in the author’s notes, author-san repeats things!!

 Pleaseeee, at least if you pity me enough

Grace: Not happening…

Contract me

Lori: …for your next revenge upon the people that have scorned you! I’ll go to their house and knock ‘em dead with the next part of my fanfic!


 directly at my home here :
Contract me indirectly here:

Well, thank for read my fiction and my blubbering

Grace: Damn straight!

Till next time take good care of yourself

Lori: …and don’t read anything that I write.

God Bless You

back ||next



The two girls picked themselves up from their prone positions on the bathroom floor.

            “At least there were toilets in here so we didn’t have to barf into the popcorn bucket like last time.” Grace said while glaring at Lori.

            Lori coughed and said, “Well, that MSTing made me hungry, let’s go get something to eat!”

The girls walked out of the bathroom and into MST HQ’s© kitchen.


~~In Bob’s HQ, aka the Bellaire basement~~


“HEY! WHERE’S MY OMINOUS TITLE?!” Bob said as he glared at MST-author-sama.


Che, yeah right! After your voyeurism went too far today in the girls’ bathroom? I think not! And don’t you dare glare at me! I can send that girl back with a few depressions of the keys on my keyboard. Now stop complaining and get back to your evil scheming. I’ll let you earn your title back later.


“FINE MST-author-sama.” Bob mumbled as he turned back to his ever faithful sycophant, Natalie.

            “ You almost broke Grace that time, Bob!” Natalie sucked up.


            Natalie had a hurt look on her face when she said, “Why do you want them to break? Do you really want them to be your sycophants for all eternity? Don’t you like me?”


            “Hai, Hai Bob-sama…”



E-mail me at


If I got any Japanese wrong, sorry! And feel free to e-mail me about it! I always wanna learn more!


I’d guess I’d be pretty hypocritical to not ask for flames. But if you feel you must, then I’ll respect your choice. But first, let me tell you the story of the Chinese Mafia...