By: Earthianchinx
Disclaimer: I don’t own Rurouni Kenshin so don’t sue me, I’m only in high school without a job =Þ
Okay, this is the very first fic I’ve ever written, so be understanding…..
Oh yeah, word to the wise this is Johnston ghetto(sorry inside joke)
Aoshi stared at the ceiling. It was raining outside. The cool spring air was refreshing and clear, but Aoshi felt suffocated by the turmoil within.
…water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink…
Shaking the thought away for the hundredth time, Aoshi got up and opened the shutters to his window.(I don’t’ know if they have shutters in Meiji Japan, just work with me here) He stuck his hand out into the rain and silently watched the water pool into his cupped palm. With each drop of rain the smooth, clam surface of the puddle he held was disturbed.
…Just like my thoughts…
Aoshi loved Misao. There was no doubt about that subject. but he didn't know what he was going to do with this knowledge. Love was such a powerful word. It has the power to make you feel like the most important person in the world or the most worthless. Aoshi looked at the water in his palm.
...Misao, she's like the water I yearn to drink, yet I cannot. I simply hold her in my palm and look. All the while hurting her by my coldness. She's like the rain that disrupts my calm exterior.
…Sometimes you must disrupt the calm of the water to get a drink…
Aoshi knew Misao loved him, but he was scared. Scared of what she did to him.
~Wait a minute~ Aoshi thought angrily. The okashira of the Oniwabanshuu is not afraid of anything.
…except of rejection, forgiveness, and basically everything that makes me human…
…I have to stop running…
Thoughts floated in Aoshi’s head until he realized the rain had stopped. He looked at the puddle in his hand and thought: one can not survive without water.(how profound..) Aoshi smiled and let the water run through his fingers. It was about time Aoshi quenched his thirst.
~busts out with her asbestos undies ready for the flames~ well, that sucked royally, e-mail me if you like it! ~looks in her empty mail box and dissolves into tears~ I wrote this early in the morning so Aoshi sounds a little off….. I might make this more than a one shot……