2/9/02 - eeps, well, INSTEAD of MSTing like i was SUPPOSED to, i just spiffied up the main page.... i finally got my hands on paint shop pro again, so i felt i had to use it to my evil pleasure.... ok, well, MSTing really has taken a backburner in my recent life (there are SOOOOOOO many things going on right now...) and i'm SURE you guys care about that SOOOOOO much... ::crickets chirp:: anyhoodle, i'll try to get SOMETHING up before i leave for ::gasps:: college!!!! hehe....
5/18/01 - yup.... i believe
the boredom is starting to set in... soooOOOooo in honor of this joyous
occasion, a new MST for all who don't really intend to come here to enjoy! ::the
villagers rejoice:: 5/15/01 - woah... made it
to summer!!!! woo hoo! well, just cleaned up a bit and had fun with paint shop
pro.... haven't written any new MSTs YET... but i'm getting there. bad news! i
gotta get a job! yeah, i know it doesn't sound too tough... but that means a dearth
of fics! i know you're all so hurt by that factoid but we'll see... 4/15/01 - ::stumbles out of a dark abyss:: Hey pplz! Whew, long time no see. ::points to the dark abyss:: See that? That's what i like to call school. So, i finally got around to MSTing a new story for those of you who surf here by accident...It's in the Sailor Moon section! Have fun!And the new Updates section for those of you who care...
12/31/00 - Hey! Big Update here! I redid the site completely. It was really messy so I organized it a little more. I got a guestbook and this word of mouth thing. Added some new pic links and a new title I also put some pics here and there. Hopefully I can get a couple more pages up and some more
pics! Enjoy!
ps. i'm going to try to put up a REALLY crappy art gallery.... it's all hand done b/c i REALLY don't know how to CG on the comp...
1/2/01 - New page up and school starting tomorrow! ::starts to smile but dissolves into sobs::
1/1/01 - Happy New Year people! Well, after surviving yet another Dick Clark's Rock and Roll New Year's Special, I found the strength to put a link page up! It's just a place where all my shameless plugs and fave websites are put in a wonderfully bright spotlight! Go check it out if you've got time! Also, bad news ppl! School's starting VERY soon, so this site probably won't be updated that often. When I actually get regular visitors, I'll try harder to update with more
12/30/00 - YAY! Grand opening of my site... well, I've got most of my MSTs up and running, so I hope you enjoy reading them! They're by series and I
wrote a lot of them out of order... so some of the things in one MST may pop up in another. Eeks, babbling again! Oh and one more thing, I've changed names and stuff to protect the identities of
myself, friends, and teachers.